Gov. Dan Evans: An unforgettable childhood encounter

by · The Seattle Times

Re: “Dan Evans, 98, ‘Straight Arrow’ ex-governor” [Sept. 22, A1]:

I met Gov. Dan Evans in the late ’60s as a Cub Scout with Pack 266 in Olympia. Our pack had been selected to be the color guard and help lead the Pledge of Allegiance at a conference.

After the ceremony, Gov. Evans and Secretary of State Lud Kramer shook our hands and told us what a fine job we did — even though we were a bundle of nerves and probably flubbed something up!

I remember the warmth of their hands, the sincerity in their voices, the smiles on their faces and the look of encouragement in their eyes.

My heart swelled. Imagine, the governor of Washington paying his respects to me, a pipsqueak, nobody kid — talk about leaving a deep impression.

It was that encounter almost 60 years ago that made me a Dan Evans Republican up to this day. I still have a 1972 campaign bumper sticker that reads, “I’m for Danny Boy” (much to opponent Albert Rosellini’s chagrin)!

Rest in peace Daniel J. Evans, you have most deservedly earned it. Enjoy your reunion with your wife, Nancy.

My heartfelt condolences to the Evans family. Thank you for sharing your dad with your fellow Washingtonians.

Robert F. Smith, Lake Stevens