Doctor to Hollywood A-listers reveals dieting tips

by · Mail Online

A celebrity doctor has shared her top dieting tips to stay healthy and shed weight as she opened up about which wellness hacks actually work. 

When she isn't caring for some of Hollywood's biggest A-listers like actress Kat Graham and singer LeAnn Rhimes, Dr. Mindy Pelz is dishing out health advice that will help you achieve your wellness goals once and for all. 

Having previously shared her stance on period leave and the five body parts that you should be checking on the daily, the wellness expert has now opened up about the various practices you should be doing to keep your body in tip-top shape. 

While speaking exclusively to, the doctor - whose latest book, Eat Like A Girl, hit shelves on October 22 - also revealed which dieting fads are here to stay and which you should ditch. 

She also shared the various minerals you should look for in your food and those you should supplement. 

A celebrity doctor has shared her top dieting tips to stay healthy and shed weight as she opened up about which wellness hacks actually work

Health 101: The things you should be doing to take care of your body 

  • Fasting
  • Using olive oil in your food
  • Only eating in the light
  • Moving your body 
  • Prioritizing rest
  • Taking magnesium 

The doctor revealed there is one dieting trend she always suggests to her clients: Fasting.  

She told 'For women, they need to fast according to their menstrual cycle, if they have one. A woman can fast at almost any point of her cycle except the week before her period.  

'A cycling woman needs to not fast the week before her period, or she will start to destroy her hormones.

'A man just needs to not get stuck in the same fasting rhythm over and over again, or he will lose or his results will stop.' 

The Hollywood health expert shared that intermittent fasting can work wonders for you if you do it 'correctly.'  

'You have to think of your day in eating window and fasting windows. You get to take that eating window and move it around wherever you want, and the best thing to do is eat in the light, eat when it's daylight.

'In the winter, your eating window may be 8am to 4pm. The reason I say eat in the light is because when it gets dark out we get more melatonin and melatonin causes our pancreas to be a little sleepy, it causes our cells to be insulin resistant.

Dr. Mindy used a bowl of spaghetti as an example, explaining that if you eat a bowl of spaghetti at 3pm in the afternoon, 'your body's more able to use the glucose from that as opposed to if you ate it at 9pm at night'.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, intermittent fasting can boost your memory, heart health and help decrease the risk of diabetes and obesity. 

When she isn't caring for some of Hollywood's biggest A-listers like actress Kat Graham and singer LeAnn Rhimes, Dr. Mindy Pelz is dishing out health advice

In addition to gushing over fasting, the health pro detailed which minerals you should search for in your food and which you should supplement. 

Dr. Mindy told 'My favorite obsession is olive oil. Olive oil is really high in fatty omega three fatty acids.

'On the flip side of that, the one supplement that everyone should be taking is magnesium. That is like the hero. Magnesium is a little bit harder to get in food. You can get it in chocolate, but it has to be really bitter chocolate. 

'It will help you sleep and relax your muscles.' 

According to Healthline, olive oil reduces inflammation and decreases stress levels.

The oil is also said to help reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes and obesity.

Meanwhile, Healthline noted that magnesium can help boost your exercise performance, may combat depression, support heart health and lower blood sugar levels.

Dr. Mindy also shared the trends that she does not support. Speaking out about the fads she has seen on social media, like juice cleanses or fruit diets, the doctor told 'There's no one off when it comes to health. 

'We can't drink celery juice and then eat McDonald's and be like, "we're healthy." We can't all of a sudden decide that we're going on a watermelon diet or a soup diet.

While speaking exclusively to, the doctor - whose latest book, Eat Like A Girl, hit shelves on October 22 - revealed which dieting fads are here to stay
Although she doesn't recommend calorie counting, the doctor revealed there is one dieting trend she always suggests to her clients: Fasting

'So when I look at all of those trends, the problem is that they're fun. Don't get me wrong, if health is fun you'll stick with it, which is really really cool. But, they're a small piece of a foundational life of health that you want to create.

'With a fad, people put so much effort. They look at it like a pill, like if my doctor gives me a pill, the pill is going to make my health all better and unfortunately, it's not like that.' 

Dr. Mindy also admitted that she doesn't suggest trying out calorie counting because it will 'fail.' 

'The reason I think it fails for everybody, but it especially fails for women, and the reason is, how many of us have tried calorie counting, we got a result, it was really rigid, but we got a result, and then we got exhausted counting calories. 

'So we stopped counting calories only to gain weight back again and when women gain weight they don't just go, "Oh, that calorie counting thing didn't work for me." 

'They turn on themselves and they start going, "There must be something wrong with me." So I am not a fan of calorie counting, I think that it sets women up for failure,' she added.