Temba Mliswa urges daughter to become an anti-drug advocate after acquittal

HARARE – Former Norton legislator Temba Mliswa has urged his daughter, Mudiwa, to become an advocate against drug and substance abuse, following her acquittal in a case where she was accused of possessing drugs at a Harare residence.

· Nehanda Radio

Mudiwa Chanetsa, 20, faced arrest in February 2024, alongside friend Tawanda Chigubu, 27, after a tip-off led the CID Drugs unit to a Harare residence in Avonlea.

A search yielded a hidden sachet of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (commonly known as ecstasy) (1.30g, valued at ZWL195,000) under a sofa. However, the defense successfully argued that the drugs did not belong to Chanetsa, citing insufficient evidence.

The court agreed, ruling the prosecution’s case lacked conviction. Consequently, Chanetsa was acquitted of all charges.

Mliswa hailed the decision of the court and urged his daughter to surround herself with right friends. The outspoken politician also called for harsh penalties against drug cartels that wreak havoc on communities and destroy lives.

“Justice finally prevailed, Mudiwa was found not guilty. The law must always take its course as no one is above the law.

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“However, lessons must be learnt and as I told her, she must surround herself with the right people. As a parent I will always be there to guide her back on course,” he said.

“She is now back in school, and steadfast to reach her goals. We may not celebrate but we learn from such experiences so that we don’t repeat. In the future this enables us to make the correct judgements and decisions.

“Coming of age one can be susceptible to such erratic profligacies, what is important is the ability to learn and rebound. Drug abuse has become a pandemic and we must work to protect all children. The law should be punitive for those fanning this wildfire, especially suppliers.”

Drugs and substances continue to be on the rise in Zimbabwe. It is prevalent among the youth in urban areas. Unemployment is one the key factors leading to the surge in drug abuse.

In July this year, President Emmerson Mnangagwa urged the church and other stakeholders in fighting drug abuse.

“My Government launched the Multi-Sectoral Action Plan to guide our actions in combating drug and substance abuse for the period 2024 to 2030.

“It is now time for tangible results and I urge the Church and other key stakeholders to partner with my Government in implementing the action plan to eradicate the menace.

“To students, I say no to Drug and Substance Abuse. Our Ubuntu/Hunhu is not associated with drug and substance abuse, a drug culture is alien to us as Zimbabweans. A drug-free nation begins with me, it begins with you and it begins with all of us,” Mnangagwa said.