Groundbreaking project seeks to illuminate the complexities of Parkinson's

· News-Medical

They will also analyze changes in:

  • How gene expression is managed by cells (epigenetics
  • How the changes in gene expression alter which proteins are present inside these cells (proteomics) 
  • How the changes in gene expression alter which smaller molecules are present (metabolomics)
  •  How mutations, in individual patients, affect gene expression (genetics)

This powerful ‘multi-omic’ approach will provide unprecedented detail of exactly what is happening inside cells affected in the condition, enabling researchers to pinpoint:

  • Causes of Parkinson’s and Parkinson’s dementia
  • Why some brain cells are more vulnerable to Parkinson’s than others
  • Potential targets for developing new treatments
  • New ways to measure the progression of the condition (“biomarkers”), which are essential for clinical trials
  • Which genes or mutations in our body increase our risk of developing Parkinson’s


Parkinson’s UK