Listen to the President!

by · Northlines

President Droupadi Murmu has rightly raised the awareness on the most critical issue of the present times to conserve water by taking care of every single drop.

It is unfortunate that despite knowing the bleak future the societies in the country are not doing enough to conserve this bounty of nature, which is a must for sustaining life. It is annoying that water is being wasted at alarming rates despite the looming crisis as reportedly many cities in the country have already turned into arid zones giving a tough time to the populations. While the onus for saving water lies on the shoulders of all stakeholders, it is sad to see how little attention is paid to this critical issue.

People often leave their taps running while performing daily chores leading to colossal wastage of water. Similarly, over-watering gardens or lawns is another major contributor to water wastage. Leaky taps and pipes also account for a significant portion of wasted water. Ignoring small drips might seem insignificant, but over time, they can lead to the loss of thousands of liters of potable water. Washing vehicles with hoses instead of using buckets, excessive use of water in showers, and flushing toilets unnecessarily also waste clean, drinkable water that could otherwise be conserved. Water is a finite resource, and such wasteful practices are pushing us closer to a serious water shortage.

It's time for individuals to recognize the importance of conserving water and adopt more sustainable habits to preserve this precious resource for future generations. Besides groundwater replenishment through afforestation is also something which needs focus of all because water is basic to sustain life and without this entity the earth would not only become barren but would stop supporting the living creatures to thrive.

It is time that people in the country should take every single word delivered by the President of the country very seriously because using water judiciously has become a necessity or else things may go out of hands and cities and towns will first witness fights over water and then elimination of life starting with depletion of forests, which would be a dangerous consequence of the wrong practices being followed these days as far as conserving the water is concerned. Rain water harvesting is also a good option but for this the helmsmen should educate people by telling them the benefits and long term results.