(Image: WalesOnline/ Rob Browne)

'I'm a doctor and these are the five things I do NOT do for my health'

by · Manchester Evening News

A doctor has spoken out about why people should never drink coffee in the afternoon.

Dr Poonam Desai, who has made a name for herself on TikTok as @doctoranddancer, has issued a health warning to her 22.6K followers about everyday habits that could be harming their health, including the consumption of coffee in the afternoon.

In a video, Dr Desai highlights often overlooked lifestyle choices that carry hidden health risks. The alert comes against a backdrop of concerning data from the British Medical Association (BMA), which indicates that the UK is grappling with a higher rate of preventable illnesses compared to other European nations, and a surge in the number of working-age individuals suffering from multiple health conditions.

To combat these health challenges, Dr Desai has been vocal about the measures she personally takes to fend off illness, , reports the Express.

First on her list was advocating for an alcohol-free lifestyle. In her TikTok video, Dr Desai advises: "I'm a doctor and these are the five things I do not do, or no longer do, for my health. The first is drink alcohol. No amount of alcohol is safe for our health."

She also doubled down on the importance of avoiding certain products for health reasons, particularly when it comes to household items like plastic Tupperware.

Dr Desai warned: "Plastic Tupperware, especially when heated, can leach endocrine disruptors, so I no longer buy them."

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), are substances that can mimic, block, or interfere with the body's hormones, which are part of the endocrine system, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Services.

The US EPA has warned that these chemicals have been associated with a range of health problems, including interference with reproduction, increased cancer risk and disturbances in the immune and nervous system function.

Another rule that Dr Desai adheres to is avoiding red-eye flights, which are flights that depart late at night and arrive early in the morning. Dr Desai explained: "A red-eye flight can significantly disrupt your sleep for a night, so I avoid taking them if possible."

Sleep deficiency has been linked with several chronic health issues, including heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression. However, the NHS reassures that a few sleepless nights is usually nothing to worry about.

Fourth on Dr Desai's list is never going a day without consuming five different plant foods. "These can include fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices," she stated.

The '5 A Day' campaign was launched following the World Health Organization (WHO) recommending a minimum intake of 400g of fruit and vegetables a day. Studies have indicated that fresh foods can reduce the risk of serious health issues, such as heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer.

The doctor also emphasised the importance of abstaining from caffeine in the afternoon, explaining: "Caffeine has a half-life of five to six hours and could still be lingering in your system close to bedtime, preventing us from falling asleep or staying asleep. So I really try to avoid any caffeinated beverages in the afternoon."

Highlighting the impact of caffeine on sleep, recent findings in Science Translational Medicine showed that consuming a double espresso just three hours before bedtime can delay the body clock by nearly an hour, resulting in a sensation akin to jet lag.