The expert explained how people could even reverse some signs of aging like wrinkles(Image: GETTY)

‘I'm a longevity expert, biohack your way to look younger in 2025’

A specific shower routine and diet could act as a time machine to fight off aging across your body

by · The Mirror

Ageing might just be a thing of the past if you follow the advice of longevity expert Leslie Kenny, who's spilling the beans on her top "biohacking" tips for a younger 2025 look. Biohacking sees people using science and medical breakthroughs to give their bodies a nudge in the right direction.

Whether it's shedding pounds, balancing hormones, or staying youthful while clocking up the years, biohacking works by forcing reactions from the body through diet and lifestyle changes. Leslie's top tip for youthfulness starts with your hair and a "cold blast" in the shower.

She suggests: "The trick is to get it as hot as possible and then try using cold water on top of just your head. You’re going to smooth out roughness along the shaft of your hair, which will add shine to your locks. In addition, the forehead and décolletage (neckline) have more receptors for cold so in theory, getting cold onto those areas should give you more of a boost than hitting other areas."

The cold water blast could also boost your mood while helping your hair( Image: GETTY)

Once you've got your hair gleaming, Leslie's next tip for youthful skin doesn't centre on bathroom products, but rather your diet. Starting with a hearty helping of bone broth jazzed up with a dash of lemon.

Leslie highlighted the importance of incorporating this into your diet: "Bone broth and fish are both great food sources of collagen. Take them together with a squeeze of lemon for vitamin C. Collagen alone is a key building block for your skin and keeps it looking young, but when you take it together with vitamin C, it gives better support and structure to our skin throughout the whole body."

She also emphasised the benefits of collagen supplements: "Collagen can also give your skin that much sought-after youthful glow to look younger, and one study of freshwater marine collagen showed that supplementing with it even reduces wrinkles!"

Next, weighing in on the famed avocado toast, Leslie noted its unexpected health advantages. She shared the crucial role of glutathione found in avocados, broccoli, and leafy greens: "It's all about glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant made in the liver which not only helps with detoxifying our bodies when we drink alcohol, smoke or are exposed to pollutants but also evens out skin tone and pigmentation. It can soften the look of dark age spots we get when we age."

Lastly, Leslie proposed an overall diet for youthful skin and healthy cells, praising the Japanese diet: "This includes foods such as natto and tempeh (fermented soybeans) and shiitake mushrooms, but we can also find them in things like hard, fermented cheese."

When it comes to skincare, Leslie favours diet changes over product recommendations( Image: GETTY)

She detailed the science behind the diet's effectiveness: "Polyamines, such as spermidine and spermine, are a special combination of amino acids, that can induce autophagy – our body’s natural cellular renewal process which declines dramatically as we age. Which is why these polaymines are so important in helping us look younger. They can also increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin."