Live: Join the Global Tehillim Asifa

Join Live at 1:00 pm EST: A global Tehillim asifa will unite tens of thousands of children around the world for Aseres Yemei Teshuva.

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Asai L’man Tinokos Shel Bais Rabban: Join Misaskim’s Tehillim Asifah

If one child’s pure prayer is a heaven-piercing arrow, then a minyan of children’s tefillos is an invincible army. How much more so, then, is the awesome power of tens of thousands of tefillos emanating from the innocent mouths of tinokos shel bais raban and ascending heavenward!

For the past twenty eight years, Klal Yisroel has had the zechus of having tens of thousands of children davening on our behalf during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, the most auspicious time of the year. This Tehillim Asifah is coordinated each year by Misaskim and will once again take place TODAY, Oct 9, at 1:00 p.m. EST.

Regardless of your location, your tefillos can join with tens of thousands of others as the sha’arei shamayim are opened wide today at 1:00 p.m.

The program will begin with the recitation of the following kapitlech of Tehillim: 13, 20, 79, 121, 130, and 142. This will be followed by Minchah, Avinu Malkeinu, Selichos of Shlosh Esrei Middos, and Kabolas Ol Malchus Shomayim.

Live stream by Photography by Levi.

Watch live at 1:00 pm:

You can also listen to the event live through Kol Mevaser by dialing 212-444-1100 option 8 followed by option 1.


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