Marriage Of 5 Years Gets Shook When Wife Randomly Accuses Husband Of Having An Affair Baby

by · Bored Panda


Almost half of all first marriages end in divorce. There are many reasons couples head for Splitsville. But among the most common are infidelity and/or broken trust. 60% of couples polled in one survey cited cheating as the reason for their marriage crumbling. Sometimes the affair can be proven. But other times, a spouse will walk out based on suspicion.

One man claims he was caught completely off-guard when his wife of five years accused him of stepping out on her. She’s convinced he fathered a child outside of the marriage. She’s given him an ultimatum that’s left him feeling very uncomfortable. The man is now wondering whether he should give into his wife’s request. Or whether they’ve reached the end of the road.

The man said they’d never had problems before, and he thought they were happily married

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Image credits: Anna Shvets / pexels (not the actual photo)

Everything suddenly changed when the wife’s friend had a baby


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Image credits: 1footage / envato (not the actual photo)

Image credits: NightmareGod198

A lab would need samples from the man and the baby in order to do a paternity test

The most common type of paternity uses a cheek swab to collect a DNA sample from the potential father. Cleveland Clinic explains DNA like this: “the genetic material inside your body’s cells. It acts like an instruction manual to help make you who you are. You inherit DNA from both of your biological parents — half from each parent.”

A healthcare provider will use a cotton swab to get cheek (buccal) cells from the inside of your mouth. But there are also home paternity test kits available nowadays. “When we test a biological father, both the child and their father will share identical sections of DNA at each marker. If the man tested is not the child’s biological father, there will be differences in the DNA,” reads one laboratory site that specializes in DNA testing.


DNA paternity tests are quite accurate. The results show a probability of paternity. 0 means no genetic match between the man and the child. In other words, he isn’t the father. While a result of 99.9 indicates it’s highly likely the man is the genetic parent.


“Hand her the test results and divorce papers”: Many took the man’s side, with some advising him to leave his wife