250 healthcare professionals urge Trump to release his medical records to gauge 'acuity'

by · AlterNet

Donald Trump Jr. and Donald Trump (Shutterstock)
Sarah K. Burris
Raw Story
October 14, 2024Bank

Hundreds of healthcare professionals are calling for former President Donald Trump to release his medical information, as Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden have done.

Trump has never been one to reveal his private information, whether it be his taxes or his medical information. Even in the 2016 election, Trump obtained a letter from his long-haired personal physician that generated more laughs than it did assurance in his practice.

On Monday, Kamala Harris' campaign released a letter authorized by 250 healthcare professionals demanding that Trump release his medical information.

If elected, Trump will become the oldest president in history. That fact and his strange speeches have prompted some to suggest he isn't cognitively stable enough to lead the most powerful nation in the world.

The letter cites Trump's Aug. 20 statement, saying he'd' gladly' release his medical records.

"In the 55 days since, he has yet to do so," the letter said. "With no recent disclosure of health information from Donald Trump, we are left to extrapolate from public appearance. And on that front, Trump is falling concerningly short of any standard of fitness for office and displaying alarming characteristics of declining acuity."

The healthcare professionals highlighted Trump's advanced age as a reason to disclose his records.

"Donald Trump is nearly 80 years old," the letter continues. "While many older adults are highly functional, age can also come with cognitive changes that affect our ability to function well in complex settings. We are seeing that from Trump, as he uses his rallies and appearances to ramble, meander, and crudely lash out at his many perceived grievances."

The letter then names some of the conspiracy theories that Trump has invented, like the immigrants eating people's pets and FEMA withholding aid to those in North Carolina. The healthcare professionals say, "his refusal to disclose even basic health information is a disservice to the American people."

When speaking to CNN in 2019, former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE) requested that Trump prove he has bone spurs, which is the reason he got out of fighting in Vietnam. Bone spurs don't go away, he explained. So, Trump would still have them visible on his X-rays.

When publishing the letter to the social media site X, Harris' campaign included a photo of Trump on the golf course looking out of shape.

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