Kevin Pratt, former head of Axminster Community Primary Academy

Primary school headteacher struck off for serious sexual misconduct

by · DevonLive

A former Devon primary school headteacher has been banned from teaching for serious sexual misconduct with three separate colleagues, including having sex with a member of staff in a cupboard and masturbating on school premises. The incidents involving Kevin Pratt took place when he was headteacher at Axminster Community Primary Academy and assistant headteacher at Cranbrook Education Campus.

At a recent professional conduct panel meeting carried out by the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA), the 37-year-old's actions with lower-ranking colleagues were described as "calculated and motivated". Mr Pratt, who previously lived in Bath, was headteacher of Axminster Community Primary Academy - part of the Acorn Multi Academy Trust - from September 1, 2020. He previously worked at Cranbrook Education Campus, near Exeter, as assistant headteacher from September 1, 2017.

A colleague at Axminster Community Primary Academy - named as Person A - is said to have informed the trust on May 25, 2021, that she had previously had a sexual relationship with Mr Pratt where he had abused his position of authority. She claimed a similar relationship had taken place between Mr Pratt and another colleague - named as Person B - who worked at Cranbrook Education Centre.

Person A reported she had been instructed by Mr Pratt to keep their relationship “secret”. The sending of explicit messages was said by the TRA to be a key feature in relationships with Person A and Person B.

Axminster Community Primary School

Mr Pratt was also found to have sent explicit messages to a third colleague, named as Person D, at Axminster Community Primary Academy. Mr Pratt accepted he pursued a personal relationship with her and sent her messages saying he wanted to have sex with her in an office.

He also accepted entering the office and stating that he was going to stand by the door and watch her “play with herself". Mr Pratt also admitted to engaging in sexual activity on school premises and during school hours with Person B, which included in an office and within a school cupboard.

Also while on school premises, he admitted to performing a sexual act upon himself while on a video call with Person B on March 29, 2021. The panel noted that during the internal disciplinary investigation concerning his personal and sexual relationships with Person A and Person D, Mr Pratt denied having such relationships on May 26, 2021.

Mr Pratt, who had not previously been subject to any disciplinary proceedings, later provided a signed statement of agreed facts and admitted unacceptable professional conduct and/ or conduct that may bring the profession into disrepute while at both schools. He answered seven allegations and made full admissions to them.

The hearing panel found that the offence of sexual activity, serious dishonesty, controlling and coercive behaviour was relevant.

The decision notice stated: "The panel noted that the evidence showed that Mr Pratt’s actions were deliberate. There was no evidence to suggest that Mr Pratt was acting under duress, and, in fact, the panel found Mr Pratt actions to be calculated and motivated."

Cranbrook Education Campus(Image: DevonLive)

The panel found that Mr Pratt was responsible for "seriously inappropriate behaviour" which had a "demonstrable impact" on colleagues he line managed. It was added the overall nature of the behaviour showed a disregard of safeguarding principles and professional standards.

It added: "The panel formed the view that Mr Pratt had shown little insight into his actions, though it did acknowledge that he had signed an agreed statement of facts as indicative of some degree of acceptance of his conduct."

The allegations proven in full:

  1. On one or more occasions between September 2020 and April 2021, he asked Person A, a subordinate colleague, not to tell anybody about your relationship.
  2. In or around October 2020, he made inappropriate comments to a colleague Person D, in that you: a. Sent a text message to Person D suggesting that he wanted to have sexual intercourse in her office, b. Asked Person D to perform a sex act in her office while you watched.
  3. Between June 2020 and April 2021, he engaged in an inappropriate relationship with Person B, a subordinate colleague, in that he: a. Engaged in sexual activity on school premises and/ or during school hours
  4. On or around 29 March 2021, he: a. performed a sexual act upon himself while on a video call with Person B on school premises.
  5. He failed to disclose to the school promptly or at all details of his relationship with Person A, Person D and Person B.
  6. His conduct as may be found proved at paragraph 5 was dishonest.

The panel agreed for Mr Pratt to be the subject of a 'indefinite' prohibition order, with no provision for a review period.

The decision notice stated: "The panel did not feel that it could determine that there was a strong public interest consideration in retaining Mr Pratt in the profession. Whilst no doubt had been cast upon his abilities as an educator, the nature of the conduct and the fact that it primarily took place within the learning environment undermined any suggestion that he could make a particularly valuable contribution to the profession."

It concluded: "The panel finds that the conduct of Mr Pratt fell significantly short of the standards expected of the profession. The findings of misconduct are particularly serious as they include a finding of sexual misconduct relating to three separate members of staff."

It added: "The panel felt that as he was in a leadership position, Mr Pratt was directly and professionally responsible for the ethos, culture and standards of conduct within the school. It therefore determined that his misconduct amounted to a significant failing when considered against the need to uphold proper standards within the profession.” To read the TRA decision notice in full, please click here.