Five Major General Pulled Out Of Nigerian Army

by · Naija News

In a solemn ceremony held at the Nigerian Army Ordinance Corps (NAOC) headquarters in Abalti Barracks, Surulere, Lagos, five retired Major Generals were officially pulled out of service.

The event, held on Friday, marked the culmination of their distinguished careers in the Nigerian Army.

The ceremony was attended by military personnel and families of the retirees.

The reviewing officer, Maj.-Gen. Omotomilola Akintade, spoke on behalf of his colleagues, reflecting on the challenging yet rewarding journey through their military careers.

Akintade expressed gratitude for the honor of a valedictory parade, symbolizing their formal disengagement from active service in the Nigerian Army and the Armed Forces at large.

He highlighted the privilege and pride felt by each general as they transitioned from their roles, thanking the army for the recognition and celebrating the conclusion of their duty to the nation.

“I reflect, with great sense of nostalgia, about 34 years ago, when we reported to this very place as young, vibrant and enthusiastic officers after graduation from the Nigerian Defence Academy.

“It was with an honour to have been posted to the NAOC. I am confident to say that each of us being pulled out today had benefited immensely from the corps which has helped to nurture us from novices to true professionals and outstanding leaders.

“We shall continue to uphold the Ordnance Corps virtue of “One Big Family,” he said.

He said it took endurance, encouragement, determination, grace of God and prayers to reach the pinnacle of the profession.

“Today is notably a remarkable day that will long remain etched in our hearts. It is a day of great emotional sentiments, nostalgic memories, genuine thankfulness, boundless joy and above all, a sense of unwavering contentment.

“We are bowing out of service at a critical moment when our beloved country is going through a number of challenges and Armed Forces personnel are being deployed to carry out internal security duties.

“I, therefore, admonish all serving personnel to be loyal, dedicated and highly professional in the execution of your duties.

“I urge you to avoid actions that will bring the name and image of the Ordinance Corps and indeed the Nigerian Army to disrepute.

“Let me also remind you of the Oath of Allegiance to which we all swore on commission, which is to be loyal to the Federal Republic of Nigeria and to protect her territorial integrity from external aggression.

“In this regard, you must continue to demonstrate a total commitment to your duty to the nation without any form of bias or involvement in partisan politics.

“As my colleagues and I bid you all farewell today, I would like to appreciate the Nigerian Army for giving us the opportunity to serve our fatherland in different capacities within and outside the country.

“I must respectfully appreciate the present Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, and all the past COAS for their vision and focus towards ensuring a vibrant Nigerian Army Ordnance Corps capable of sustaining the Nigerian Army both in peace and war.

“I am confident that the corps will continue to offer valuable support to the Nigerian Army.

“I also thank all our distinguished guests, serving and retired senior officers, for making the event a success.

“To our families, no words can quantify your support throughout our service years. The sacrifices and prayers all played a major role in making us to see this day.

“Now specifically to our wives, the true and silent heroes, all we can say for now is that we are back home fully.

“To the Corps Commander, Maj.-Gen. Jonathan Ugwuoke, we appreciate your kind gesture in organising this Pulling Out Ceremony.

“I personally thank you for the special honour bestowed on me to review this parade.

“As we formally disengage from the NA alive, we must remember our colleagues who paid the supreme sacrifice in the line of duty. We pray that God continues to comfort the families they left behind,” Akintade said.