You are playful, you don’t deserve term extension, Murakashi tells 2030sts


ZANU PF online foot-soldier (Murakashi) Kudzai Mutisi says Pesidential term limits are good in that they ensure that citizens aren’t burdened & stuck with an incompetent but popular president.

He however said they are bad in that they rob citizens of the opportunity to keep a great president for a long time.

Meanwhile, Mutisi says the current team in government hasn’t demonstrated that they deserve more time.

“They aren’t using their time now to solve the problem that people face…

“Start there & people won’t even resist those term extensions… u can’t ask for more time to just play,” he says.

His comments comes after the just ended ZANU PF conference resolved to drive constitutional amendment to allow President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa to extend his term.

President Mnangagwa is supposed to step down in 2028 at the end of his second and final term.
