MP in casual meet-up to gather feedback, assist on issues faced by Mirians

by · Borneo Post Online
Handout photo shows Chiew (right) and his team engaging with the public during the session.

MIRI (March 5): Miri MP Chiew Choon Man held a casual meet-the-people session here last week to gather feedback from his constituents on issues faced by them.

He said the mobile counter initiative at Krokop 2 Food Court served as a platform for Mirians to voice their concerns and seek assistance on various issues.

“This initiative allows me to gain deeper insights into the daily challenges faced by the people and explore ways in which we can address these issues or assist them.

“It provides a more relaxed and convenient platform for residents to share their views without needing to visit me at my office,” he said in a statement.

Chiew stressed that the welfare of the people will continue to be his priority, thus such initiatives would continue to be held at various locations in the future.

“I will ensure that every Miri resident has the opportunity to voice their opinions and receive the necessary assistance. I believe that continuous engagement with the people is key to more effective and comprehensive problem-solving,” he said.