Clean-up clears Kanowit of potential Aedes breeding sites
by Michael Ubam · Borneo Post OnlineKANOWIT (March 5): The Mega Gotong-Royong Aedes programme held here Monday evening uncovered numerous potential breeding sites for Aedes mosquitoes.
Kanowit health officer Dr Yassimear Ugak said the clean-up focused on Kanowit town, old market and Fort Emma, where various water-holding containers such as abandoned drums, discarded waste, and old items were found to be potential mosquito breeding grounds.
“All these potential breeding sites were removed and destroyed. However, continuous efforts to maintain cleanliness are crucial to ensure that our surroundings remain free from mosquito breeding areas,” she said when contacted yesterday.
The programme saw 170 participants, surpassing the initial target of 100.
It involved the District Office, District Health Office, Kanowit District Council, community leaders, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) such as Kanowit Foochow Association, as well as village security and development committees (JKKK) of longhouses in the area.
Dr Yassimear also commended the dedication and spirit of the participants, who continued the clean-up efforts even after a downpour, demonstrating their strong commitment to combating dengue.
She emphasised that the success of such programmes does not rely solely on occasional gotong-royong (work party) activities but requires continuous action from all parties.
Therefore, she said the Kanowit District Disaster Management Committee chaired by Jackline August Jahar will continue its health education initiatives and collaborate with community leaders to encourage residents to take responsibility for maintaining a clean environment.
“While programmes like these can be conducted regularly, what matters most is raising awareness and ensuring that the community remains proactive in keeping their surroundings clean,” she said.
With commitment from all parties, Dr Yassimear said this initiative is expected to help reduce Aedes mosquito breeding and prevent an increase in dengue cases in Kanowit.