Ancient coastal city in Egypt feels impact of changing climate

by · Voice of America
1. Hundreds of beachgoers gather along Alexandria’s coast. The summer heat typically peaks in the city between June and August, but local residents and experts say this year’s season started earlier and is lingering longer. Alexandria, Egypt, Sept. 20, 2024.
2. Mohamed Abdrabo, head of the Alexandria Research Center for Adaptation to Climate Change, says, “When we talk about climate change, it’s everybody’s topic.” It won’t happen in the future, he says, it's happening now. Alexandria, Egypt, Sept. 19, 2024.
3. Saltwater intrusion caused by the rising sea level is an acute danger, says Mohamed Abdrabo, as it degrades bedrock, roots and infrastructure. But, he adds, “Everyone is focused on that Alexandria will drown in seawater.” Alexandria, Egypt, Sept. 21, 2024.
4. Tourists roam the Catacombs of Kom El-Shoqafa, a subterranean site known for its Egyptian, Greek and Roman styles, as well as being prone to groundwater intrusion and flooding from storms and sea-level rise. Alexandria, Egypt, Sept. 18, 2024.
5. Dina Gohar, curator at the Alexandria National Museum, gives awareness-raising workshops and talks on the climate change crisis since “many heritage sites face erosion,” from Kom El-Shoqafa to the Qaitbay Citadel. Alexandria, Egypt, Sept 20, 2024.
6. A cafe features a weathered mural of the at-risk Qaitbay Citadel. “The rising humidity and sea levels are posing major threats to our heritage sites,” says Dina Gohar. “Still, people have many careless practices.” Alexandria, Egypt, Sept. 20, 2024.
7. The Sidi Morsi Abu Al-Abbas Mosque and other Islamic heritage sites are popular among local tourists. Experts warn the city’s infrastructure is under stress from overheating and overcrowding. Alexandria, Egypt, Sept. 20, 2024.
8. Historic apartment buildings and critical road infrastructure, located just 150 meters inland from the sea, bear signs of saltwater-related damage. Alexandria, Egypt, Sept. 22, 2024.
9. Fishermen continue their city’s ancient livelihood in the face of mounting environmental disruptions, especially unstable weather patterns, from storm surges to high tides, with marine habitat loss and pollution. Alexandria, Egypt, Sept. 18, 2024.
10. Rizk, a longtime farmer, says, “The fruits get dry on the branches, and nothing comes out in the right season,” citing soil salinization and extended heatwaves. Egypt’s agrifood sector employs about 30% of workers. Alexandria, Egypt, Sept. 21, 2024.