People Are Sharing The Most Bizarre Thing They’ve Seen That No One Believes

by · BuzzFeed

It can be easy to write off a bizarre event as our mind playing tricks on us or maybe even a dream, especially if no one believes it. But sometimes, you have no doubt in your mind about what you witnessed. Recently, redditor u/technicalman2022 asked the r/AskReddit community to share the wild things they swear they saw but have zero proof. Here are the unbelievable things they say they witnessed.

1. "When I was 10, we had a 14-year-old German shepherd who was getting very sick. I was home alone momentarily as my mom went to the neighbor's to pick up a book or something. Our German shepherd came over, convinced me to walk outside with him, and started licking my hands. He looked at me and ran away, jumping the fence, but he never came back. He was so loyal and good that to this day, no one believes me and thinks he was stolen because he would never leave. I'm almost certain he did that because he didn't want us to see him die, and he wanted to go to the massive forest area and do his thing. I miss you, buddy."

Jacques Julien / Getty Images


2. "I was staying for a week at a guest house on some property up in the middle of nowhere in Washington state. I'm sitting on the porch early in the morning, drinking a cup of coffee, and I see a young deer in the yard about 20 yards from me. So I just stay still and take it in. Then along comes this rabbit hopping in, and they notice each other. The rabbit hops up toward the deer, and the deer cautiously puts its nose toward the rabbit. The rabbit gets up on its hind legs, and they slowly inch their noses closer and closer to each other. Then they touch, and the deer hops straight up in the air. The rabbit runs in a full circle around the deer and then stops. Then, they repeated the exact same thing. They did this about three times, then ran back into the woods together. This was before cell phones, and I'm glad it was. It was just something for me and me only, and I am grateful for it."


3. "I was driving down a long stretch of road around 12–1 a.m. On either side, there was just short grass and metal fences. I saw a man in a suit with a suitcase walking the opposite way I was driving. Thinking how odd this was, I looked in my rearview mirror, and poof, no man. He vanished with nowhere to hide. I'm 99% sure I saw a ghost."

Iiievgeniy / Getty Images


4. "When I was at work on the railroad, I was going down the mainline at 40 mph during the middle of the day in the middle of the woods. I watched a massive thing leap from one treeline to the other, completely clearing a span of about 30 feet without touching the ballast. It was on all fours and muscular (bear-shaped but much bigger), and its skin was fleshy pink. I jumped out of my seat when I saw it. My engineer didn't, as he was looking at me while talking. I told him what I saw, and described it, expecting to be given shit about it. To my surprise, he told me that two weeks before, a different conductor he was working with saw the same thing in right the same area. Never heard another thing about it."


5. "In 2012, I lived in the midwest near an Air Force base. I delivered newspapers in the early morning hours to make extra money. At 4 o'clock one morning, a drone started shadowing me on my route. Not a tiny drone, like today — this fucker was big, and it was way up in the air. I saw it through my sunroof. I could hear it humming. It followed me for blocks. I got out of my car to make a porch delivery and looked up at it, but it flew off. It still creeps me out."

Richard Newstead / Getty Images


6. "I was babysitting my brother's one-year-old twins. Both have a couple of words, but not anything close to a sentence, just things like 'mum,' dad,' 'cow,' and 'hi.' One of the kids grabbed my phone off the floor, and I asked for it back. He said, 'Would you like your phone back?' pretty perfectly. I said yes, please, and he handed it to me. No one believes me."


7. "I once saw a cat walk up a street to a zebra crossing, stop, look for cars, cross, and then walk down in the same direction on the other side of the road. Street smart cat."

Eyeem Mobile Gmbh / Getty Images


8. "I saw one of the modified stealth helicopters that were used in the Bin Laden raid. I used to live near McChord Air Force Base while I was growing up. During the '90s, we'd occasionally see an F-117 or a B-2 flying during the day. But one night in '09 or '10, I was hanging out on the shore of a lake doing teenage things and heard something weird. I was along a flight path and near the aforementioned airbase, so I was used to planes and helicopters flying past. I'm familiar with what Chinooks and MH60s sound like, but this was different. Something was off."

"That's when I saw two helicopters with normal lights break through the tree line. I assume Apache, but it was dark, and I'm just guessing there. However, between them was a third helicopter with no lights at all, almost like the other two were escorting it.

I know it's incredibly rare for any aircraft to be granted permission to fly with no lights. And, again, it sounded weird. I could differentiate between the normal 'thwump thwump' of the two escorts and the mysterious third craft that had a much more muffled 'thwip thwip.'

Anyway, in 2011, Seal Team Six crashed one of their modified stealth helicopters during the Bin Laden raid, and they had to acknowledge that the Comanche program wasn't as dead as we were led to believe. Ever since then, I've been convinced that's what I saw that night a few years prior."


9. I went jogging at 5 a.m. and stopped to say a prayer at a statue in front of the church. There was an old lady praying, too, so I stopped by her side and closed my eyes, and then I heard the old lady crying, so I opened my eyes to check, and, holy shit, she was nowhere to be found. I thought I'd imagined her or something and started jogging again, only to hear something in the back, so I turned back and looked, and there she was, staring at me. I ran as fast as I could — the most intense jog I'd ever had.

Richardwatson / Getty Images


10. "I was stalked by a mountain lion when I was young. My family was ahead of me, and I saw it in a tree watching me. I yelled forward to my parents and looked back, but it was gone. I was under 10 at the time and am almost 40 now. I don't even know if it was real anymore."


11. "This happened years ago. My wife and I were moving cross-country in the US, and we'd spent a couple of nights at her grandparents' place in Topeka, Kansas, which is on the far east side of the state. We left after a couple of days of snow. It was a little cloudy, but there was no fog, and we were driving across the width of Kansas to Colorado, where we'd be staying with my grandma for a couple of days. Less than five miles outside Topeka, we were swallowed by the thickest, densest fog I've ever experienced, including when I regularly drove through fog-heavy Half Moon Bay in California."

Yutthana.rae / Getty Images/iStockphoto

"There was no one on our side of the highway, and no one was coming in the other direction for hours. For the first three to four hours, maybe one car passed in the other direction; it was just thick, thick fog.

We pulled aside once, not even to get gas but to get snacks and to use the restroom. The gas station was lit up, but there were no cars parked around it. We could see inside, and there were no people inside. We watched for about 10 to 15 minutes; there were no signs of life. We ended up just leaving because it was so eerie.

I cannot express enough how empty it was. When we talk about it, we usually call it 'Silent Kansas' after the Silent Hill games because there was just nothing but the thick fog and a sense of foreboding. We drove for HOURS across Kansas, and the fog did not lift or lessen, and we did not see another living being. There were no signs (which I KNOW are usually there) for gas stations and restaurants. It was just empty nothingness in the fog.

And then, we crossed the state border into Colorado, and within like two miles, before even hitting the mountains (so we were at the same altitude as we'd been before hitting Colorado), the fog was gone, the sky was clear and blue, and there were multiple cars on the highway going both directions.

We both experienced it — but we will never be able to prove it happened because it was before the era of ubiquitous smartphones, and neither of us had the ability to record it at the time. It remains one of the most terrifying and inexplicable experiences I've ever had."


12. "As a child, I was in the car with my mother, driving on the highway as the sun was coming up. I looked at the skyline above the trees and clearly saw a meteor of catastrophic proportions slowly falling from right to left. It was orange and on fire with a trail. It disappeared behind the tree line after about five seconds. It was obviously some sort of illusion, as it was absolutely massive and would have been devastating. My mom didn't see it."


13. "I saw a lady in white on the side of the road around 2 a.m. in rural New Jersey — an all-white long dress. The other two people in the car didn't see her. When I turned back to look, I saw nothing."

South_agency / Getty Images


14. "I saw a fracture in this dimension. I was waiting for the bus, turned my head, and saw it approaching with a white pickup in front of it, so I looked forward and stood up. I turned my head again to wave the bus down, and there was a vertical line extending to infinity, like looking at the edge of a piece of glass. I thought my vision was going weird, and I was going to have a stroke or something, but I was perfectly fine. The bus drove through the line, and the line disappeared, but the pickup was gone. I looked up and down the street, but there was no sign of the pickup. There were no turn-offs or side streets, nothing. I got on the bus and looked out of every window as I walked down the aisle. The pickup was nowhere to be seen."


15. "In July 1976, I saw a UFO in the sky. It was like a red dot that zipped across the whole of the night sky in seconds. It did this a couple of times and disappeared."

Anton Petrus / Getty Images


16. "My girlfriend's dead ex-husband. I was sleeping in her spare bedroom because she was sick, and I felt something standing over me; I felt the presence. When I opened my eyes to look, he poked me in the ribs. I knew what he looked like from pictures and later found out his ashes were in the same room I was in."


17. "My 10-year-old daughter and I were watching TV, and our dog was sleeping on the floor to the left. On our right, we both saw a transparent version of him running down the stairs. My daughter looked at me, and I asked her what she saw. It was the same thing I saw, so I know I didn't imagine it."

Daniel Besic / Getty Images


18. "I slept on the sofa at a friend's house. Woke up and saw someone sitting on the chair. The lights were off, but the street lights were quite bright. I thought it was his dad, so I said, 'Hello, Mr. X. What are you doing up?' He didn't respond to anything I said. He had his legs crossed, bouncing his leg, just staring mindlessly. I went upstairs and woke up my friend and told him that his dad or someone was downstairs and being weird. He was mad and told me to fuck off."

Now, at no point did I think it was a ghost; I just thought it was someone in the house being an asshole. So I went back to sleep. This guy just sat there. When I woke up, everyone was laughing at me. 

I still just thought it was just some prank. My friend had older brothers, so I thought maybe it was one of his friends or something. I was like, 'Ha ha, OK, hilarious. You got me.' 

It was only when his dad came down and said no one was downstairs and that he sometimes slept downstairs and heard things in the kitchen that I realized I saw a ghost!


19. "My cat was meowing strangely in my kitchen at night, and I went over, and there was some sort of orange bioluminescent glowing creature that was about the size of a coin. I chased it across the floor of my living room, and at one point, it crawled over my hand and clung to my finger briefly. It felt like a mixture of an arachnid and an amphibian somehow. I froze and didn't know what to do, and then it kept going. It got away and into some junk in my foyer, and I couldn't find it."

u/KimCureAll / Via

"A few minutes later, I saw two green glowing dots like laser pointers on the wall slowly following each other from the living room into the foyer. They stopped, and one faded out, and then the other faded out. 

To this day, I have no idea what happened, but I remember it vividly, and no one believes me. I would be inclined to think I imagined it if my cat hadn't seen the creature first."


Have you ever witnessed something so bizarre that no one believes you? Tell us about it in the comments or fill out this anonymous form.

Note: Some responses may have been edited for length and/or clarity.