"The Whole Last Season Was Trash": 15 TV Shows That Ended So Poorly People Fully Regret Watching Them

by · BuzzFeed

Nothing is more heartbreaking than when you invest time, sweat, and tears into a TV show that ends in the worst way possible. So when Reddit user u/unclefishbits asked: "Which show ended so poorly that you really wished you hadn't invested so much time in it?" over 22 thousand people shared their frustrations. Here are the TV shows they regret watching:

1. "The most obvious answer for me is still Game of Thrones. The last season was such an incredible letdown in so many ways and for so many different characters, and it could have been amazing."


"The truly damning thing about the drop in quality is the fact we had a global pandemic that forced people to stay inside, and no one was like, let's rewatch Game of Thrones."

u/BrandoCalrissian1995HBO / Via youtube.com

2. "It is still not over, but Grey’s Anatomy lost me about a decade ago."


"After Yang left, I kept watching 'cause I had come so far. After Alex left, I was hanging on by a thread. But once they had to take a break because of COVID, I never got back into it and haven’t watched it since."

u/TaylorSplifftieABC / Via youtube.com

3. "The Walking Dead. They could’ve cut that show's length in half, and it would’ve been 10x better."


"It started giving after they spent a whole season looking for Beth, and then Beth immediately got her brains blown out seconds after they found her. It felt mean-spirited and like they were just wasting our time."

u/No_Extension4005AMC / Via youtube.com

4. "How to Get Away With Murder. Once the original storyline was wrapped up, they should have ended the series. Instead, it limped on as though it was some sort of inferior spin-off. I gave up a few episodes after."


"Season one of HTGAWM was so cleverly written that it was a thrill to watch it unravel. Season two couldn't possibly match that, but it was a decent-quality show. After that, it was just 'how much do we have to make Viola Davis suffer to get her another Emmy?', which is always a downward spiral."

u/Feeling_Wheel_1612ABC / Via youtube.com

5. "Dexter. Like, WTF was even that?"


"I just finished rewatching it on Netflix. Seasons 5-7 weren’t as bad as I remember. They weren't good, but they weren't awful. 

Then, Season 8. I mean, really, what the ever-loving fuck happened??"

u/ChangMinnyShowtime / Via youtube.com

6. "Heroes."


"I vaguely recall reading a... post? an Article? that said the original premise of the show was that each season followed different heroes, and all of their stories were meant to be self-contained — which flew right off the rails during a writers' strike. lol."

u/cheezzpuffNBC / Via youtube.com

7. "I’ll never forgive the writers of Pretty Little Liars. They ran an incredible YA mystery show straight into the ground, trying to make money off of extra seasons. They wanted to 'outsmart' the audience rather than tell a good fucking story."


"After season 3, I felt dumbfounded by the creators. Then they went on for four more seasons."

u/Schmarsten1306ABC Family / Via youtube.com

8. "After 208 episodes of How I Met Your Mother and just pissing on 9 seasons of character development and cast chemistry... yeah, HIMYM takes the crown. I mean, not sticking the landing is pretty common on show finales, but to outright throw up your middle fingers at the fans... sigh. The show could have gone down with other greats where people are constantly rediscovering it on streaming and seeing younger generations get into it, but nope. The only time anyone ever talks about HIMYM or even discusses it is when discussing how bad the ending is."


"The problem I have with it is that they wrote the mother too well and Cristin Milioti nailed the role. So we spent a season getting to know someone that was perfect for the character, and at the end, it was like, 'Well, she was hot garbage. Let's go dumpster diving into the past.' They had a plan for Ted and Robin to end up together but could have just done a curve and had Ted with his happy ending."

u/sacninjaCBS / Via youtube.com

9. "Killing Eve. The whole last season was fucking trash."


"I just finished it last week. It was terrible. Apparently, the writing team for the last season was a nightmare."

u/gameboy_glitchesbbc / Via youtube.com

10. "Once Upon a Time."


"I wrote over a million words of fanfic for that show, and now I won't even acknowledge its existence. If it had ended after Season 1, it would have been brilliant. If it had ended midway through Season 3, it would have been fine. After that, it was like they were trying to see how deep a hole they could dig."

u/standbyyourmantisABC / Via youtube.com

11. "Umbrella Academy! The ending made no sense."


"The whole season was just hastily thrown together nonsense.

'We don't have any powers.' 'Wait, but now we do!' 'Oh, but they're not the same as the powers we used to have, except when they are, but they're also just whatever is convenient for the plot.'

15 minutes from the end. Five: 'Hey, pretty sure we all have to die and get extinguished forever.' Everyone else: 'Bet.'"

u/Plug_5Netflix / Via youtube.com

12. "Scandal. Classic Shonda show; it’s fantastic until it isn’t and never picks back up again, but then seems to double down on everything everyone hates out of, seemingly, sheer spite for the audience."

u/iwouldiwerethybirdABC / Via youtube.com

13. "I don't know if this is controversial, but Orange is the New Black. One new character gets an insanely unnecessary end where they're basically dead. One has a psychotic break where they don't recover. One has dementia and will 100% eventually die from it. One is in prison for life for something they didn't do because their so-called friend lied. The main character chooses to stay in a codependent relationship with the person who put them in prison in the first place. Barely anyone responsible for incredible injustice gets their comeuppance. I get that's the point, it's supposed to show the reality of what life is like for people in prison, but it's so damn bleak."

u/redditstolemyshoesNetflix / Via youtube.com

14. "True Blood."


"At first, it was a semi-realistic exploration of the political and societal impacts of vampires actually existed. That was interesting. Then it became Twilight with fairies and demons and shifters and witches and ghosts and bigfoots all having freaky sex orgies. It was like a complete 180."

u/zeptillianHBO / Via youtube.com

15. "Lost."


"They wrote themselves into a corner years before the finale. I don't think they could have done much else."

u/butcher_666ABC / Via youtube.com

Is there a TV show that ended so poorly that you really wish you didn't watch it? Tell us what it is and why in the comments below.