Parents, Tell Us About The Pettiest Thing You Have Ever Done To Get Back At Someone Who Wronged Your Child

by · BuzzFeed

Michelle Obama famously stated:

Nicholas Kamm / AFP via Getty Images

But, if you mess with someone's child, then the aphorism might as well be revised to: when they go low, we go to hell.


Since toddlers, most people are taught to "be the bigger person."

But there is a sense of vindication that comes with petty retribution, especially if someone's wronged your child. And for some, a spiteful return of karma feels like the only appropriate response to being done dirty.

Of course, there are levels of pettiness. Some people feel it warrants public humiliation. Others hope that the guilt festers in the souls of their enemies, whether or not they acknowledge it.


Needless to say, revenge is sweet to some and highly entertaining to others.


But for the parents of BuzzFeed, we want to ask you: what was the pettiest thing you ever did to get back at someone on your child's behalf?

Has a teacher, coach, or another adult tried to embarrass your child publicly? How did you get back at them?

20th Century Fox

Has your child had to deal with a schoolyard or neighborhood bully? How did you rectify the situation?


What about a relative or a fellow parent who has made a backhanded compliment about your kid? What was your response?


If you've ever done extremely petty to get back at someone, we want to hear from you. Share your stories in the comment section below and your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post. Otherwise, you could fill out this Google Form if you prefer to stay anonymous.