YouTube on TVs is now showing pause ads

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YouTube on TVs is now showing pause ads

Christian Zibreg ∙ September 19, 2024

Google is bringing pause screen ads to YouTube on smart TV platforms that appear when you pause the video you’re currently streaming.

YouTube’s ad load has worsened with news that Google is rolling out so-called pause screen ads. Google has been testing this new ad format for advertisers since 2013. It’s been so effective that pause ads are now available to all advertisers.

“As we’ve seen both strong advertiser and strong viewer response, we’ve since widely rolled out Pause ads to all advertisers,” YouTube communications manager Oluwa Falodun confirmed to The Verge.

There’s no way to turn off pause ads from the settings menu, and it doesn’t look like becoming a YouTube Premium subscriber disables them. The rollout is slow so you may not see pause ads on your smart TV, but rest assured they’re coming!

Google rolling out pause ads on YouTube

Pausing the video shrinks it a bit to create a vertical column alongside the right edge of the screen where an ad is displayed. You can select the Dismiss button to close the ad and return to the video or the Info button to learn more about the service or product featured in the ad.

For now, pause ads only appear on YouTube for smart TVs. Google hasn’t said whether pause ads may trickle down to the mobile app and other YouTube platforms, but they almost certainly will at some point. I mean, YouTube brought us unskippable ads in 2023. On the other hand, other streaming services, such as Hulu, AT&T, and Sling TV, have had pause screen ads before YouTube.


Google will keep exploring various ad formats to squeeze more money from YouTube users. I watch too many videos daily to not care about the minutes of my life wasted on ads. That’s why I subscribed to YouTube Premium, which offers many benefits. In fact, the chief reason I pay for Premium by far is my disdain for ads.

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