Add Dpi Settings To Blender With This Free Add-On

by · BlenderNation

Ryo Suke published a Free Blender add-on for print design. it helps you quickly convert DPI to pixels, and to save the files with this information.

Key Features

  • Converts dimensions from inches and DPI to pixel resolution.
  • Automatically syncs the image dimensions in Blender to the correct pixel size.
  • Saves your file at the specified DPI with the "Auto Save" feature.

How to Use

  • Open the Output Properties tab in Blender (printer icon).
  • Under DPI Settings in the Format panel, input your image’s dimensions in inches.
  • Set your desired DPI and hit Sync Size with Pixels to update the resolution.

Save with DPI

By default, Blender saves images at 72dpi. To save at higher resolutions, ensure the Auto Save checkbox is enabled. Rendered images will be automatically saved in a /renders folder alongside your Blender project file.
