Friday Sermon: Misleading the Ummah, while pretending to respect the Prophet, By Murtadha Gusau

The name 'Muhammad' can and is used for human beings other than the Prophet (Peace be upon him).

by · Premium Times
As far as Islamic Shari’ah is concerned, Prophet Muhammad’s name is not sacred, rather it is an honourable, highly respectable name. As for us, Muslims, we highly respect our Prophet’s name as well as all the names of Allah’s Prophets (Peace be upon them all). As it is an honourable name, a Muslim is not allowed to name a teddy/toy or the like with any of the names of Allah’s Prophets.

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. May His blessings and benedictions be upon the Messenger, his household and companions.

Dear brothers and sisters! Recently, a photo showing His Highness the Emir of Kano, Khalifah, Dr Muhammad Sanusi II, sitting beside a rug engraved with his name, ‘The Emir of Kano Khalifah Muhammad Sanusi II,’ has generated controversy in Nigeria, especially in northern Nigeria. Some Islamic clerics, and the Emir’s enemies have wrongly accused him of disrespecting Prophet’s name and a religious creed through his actions.

However, the emir and we his supporters have responded to the allegations, saying that actions are judged according to intention. After citing some references, we insisted that the Emir was not wrong because his intention was not to disrespect the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), which is very true.

The clerics who accused the Emir of wrongdoing probably did not understand him. His Highness would accept any superior argument over his own in the debate.

Disrespecting the name of Allah or any Prophet among the Prophets of Allah by directly making reference to them is what is considered an offence in Islam.

Emir Sanusi’s intention was never to disrespect the name because the carpet only bore his name, not that of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

Respected brothers and sisters! We want the Muslim Ummah to understand that the name ‘Muhammad’ is not sacred as Islamic scholars explained. Allah the Almighty says in the Qur’an:

“Say [O Prophet]: “I am but a mortal man like all of you.” [Qur’an, 18:110]

And Allah the Most High says:

“Say [O Prophet]: “I am but a mortal like you. It has been revealed to me that your Lord is the One Lord.” [Qur’an, 41:6]

Therefore, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is, as the Qur’an clearly states, a mortal like us and his name is like our names, in principle.

Sacred Names are only for Allah Almighty. This means that the names of Allah’s attributes are names that no one and nothing else should be named. Allah the Almighty says in the Qur’an:

“The Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them! Worship, then, Him alone, and remain steadfast in His worship. Do you know any whose name is similar?” [Qur’an, 19:65]

Thus, it is forbidden to call somebody ‘Allah’, ‘God’, or any of the rest of the names for Allah’s attributes, which are well-known, such as Ar-Rahman (The All-Compassionate), Ar-Rahim (The All-Merciful), Al-Malik (The Absolute Ruler), Al-Quddus (The Pure One), Al-Jabbar (The Compeller), Al-Mutakabbir (The Greatest), Al-Khaliq (The Creator), and so on.

No one and nothing should be given or called by these names, except with clear distinction from Allah. For example, someone could be called creative or merciful, but not The Creator or The Most Merciful, and so on.

Thus, the name ‘Muhammad’ can and is used for human beings other than the Prophet (Peace be upon him).

Having said that, I would like to assert that some social and political correctness should be observed when one uses the name ‘Muhammad’ for an inanimate object since Muslim have a strong filial association with that name.

Social and political correctness is something that clearly is relative to each society. Each society establishes traditions and the amount of popular respect or disrespect associated with a certain person or object.

For example, referring to the 2007 incident where the school teacher in Sudan allowed students to name their teddy/toy bears ‘Muhammad’, my humble opinion is that it is a story that belongs to a certain political propaganda and has nothing to do with Islamic law.

Thus, it is not a matter of whether the name ‘Muhammad’ is a sacred name or not. The issue is that we are dealing with:

1. Repressed societies needing any non-anti-government story to allow them to sound their frustrations and depressions without fear of persecution.

2. Media agencies spreading Islamophobia, inhibiting cross-cultural communication and cooperation, and promoting the clash of civilisation theories.

3. A lack of cross-culture dialogue and mutual learning on all sides.

As far as Islamic Shari’ah is concerned, Prophet Muhammad’s name is not sacred, rather it is an honourable, highly respectable name. As for us, Muslims, we highly respect our Prophet’s name as well as all the names of Allah’s Prophets (Peace be upon them all). As it is an honourable name, a Muslim is not allowed to name a teddy/toy or the like with any of the names of Allah’s Prophets.

Sheikh Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Al-Shinqiti, director of the Islamic Center of South Plains, Lubbock, Texas, states:

“The name of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is not sacred but it is honourable and highly respected. Therefore, we should show the utmost respect for the Prophet (Peace be upon him). That is why we should not name a teddy/toy or the like ‘Muhammad’ because this contradicts the respect we owe to the Prophet (Peace be upon him). To know more about the veneration we ought to show to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), please let’s refer to the beginning of Chapter 49 in the Qur’an (Surah Al-Hujurat).”

Moreover, Sheikh Abdul-Majeed Subh, a prominent Azhar University scholar, adds:

“The name ‘Muhammad’ in itself is not sacred. It was known in Jahiliyyah (the pre-Islamic period of ignorance), and Muslims in millions are named Muhammad despite the fact that some of them do not act in accordance with the kind of responsibility such a name implicates. So, the name itself is not sacred. Only the Names of Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) are sacred; therefore, when a person misuses a certain name of Allah, then he or she is included in the meaning of the Qur’anic verse: “Allah’s are the fairest names. Invoke Him by them And leave the company of those who blaspheme His names. They will be requited what they do.” [Qur’an, 7:180] Having stated the above, naming a teddy/toy or the like ‘Muhammad’ bears some sort of insult to the Prophet (Peace be upon him). This ruling is not only confined to Prophet Muhammad’s name (Peace be upon him). Rather, it applies to all the names of all Prophets (Peace be upon them all). So, this is a general human legislation that includes all Prophet’s names: Whoever insults or humiliates Muhammad’s name has the same ruling of one who insults or humiliates any of Allah’s Prophets. This is one of the virtues and characteristics of Shari’ah that is humane, general, and not limited to a certain nation or country.”

Furthermore, Sheikh Abdul Khaliq Hassan Ash-Shareef, an Egypt-based renowned Islamic scholar and Da’iyah, states:

“Muhammad is a human name that is honourable and respected. Many people are called Muhammad; had the name been sacred, no human would have been named ‘Muhammad.’ As it is an honourable name, it is not allowed to name a teddy/toy or the like with it as it may lead to some sort of humiliation and degradation to the Prophet’s name. No one would be content to associate anything, even remotely, humiliating to his or her name or that of his or her parent. If this is the case with one’s own name or that of a parent, what would it be with the Prophet’s name?”

Respected servants of Allah! No doubt, it is prohibited to throw a paper containing the name of a Prophet from the Prophets, into impurity, or to throw it in a manner of insult and belittlement in other than impurity, and this act is considered disbelief.

It is stated in Al-Mawsu’ah Al-Fiqhiyyah, volume 14, page 59:

“It is obligatory to protect the books of Tafsir (exegesis), Hadith, and Islamic sciences from being treated with disrespect. Whoever throws a paper containing something from Islamic knowledge, or containing the Name of Allah, or the name of a Prophet, or an angel into impurity, or smears it with impurity – even if it is overlooked (a small quantity) – is judged as a disbeliever, if it is proven that he intended to insult the Shari’ah.”

It is prohibited to show disrespect (to the name) if the intention is to refer to the Prophet by the name, such as by accompanying it with “Peace be upon him,” or if the context of the speech indicates that intention.

However, if the name refers to a person other than the Prophet, then it is not prohibited to disrespect it, such as if the person’s name is Isa (Jesus) or Muhammad or Ibrahim.

Sheikh Ad-Dusuqi said:

“Like throwing the Qur’an, which is apostasy: throwing the Names of Allah, etc., and the names of the Prophets, if that is with the intention of belittling and making light of them; by way of throwing them because they are the name of a Prophet. And his saying: “and the names of the Prophets” means: those accompanied by what indicates that, such as: “Peace and blessings be upon him.” [See Hashiyat Ad-Dusuqi, volume 4, page 301]

And Sheikh As-Sawi said:

“His saying: [and the Names of Allah]: meaning: and the names of the Prophets if it is with the intention of belittling and making light of them, where they are specified with a description that distinguishes them, like Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, or accompanied by prayer.” [See Hashiyat As-Sawi on Ash-Sharh As-Saghir, volume 4, page 433]

Ibn Al-Hajj Al-Maliki, (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“It is common among some craftsmen in this time that they use paper without knowing what is in it. And this is not permissible; because it may contain the Noble Qur’an, or a Hadith of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) or a name from the names of the angels or the Prophets (peace be upon them). Whatever is of that nature, it is not permissible to use it, nor to disrespect it; out of sanctity for it and reverence for its status. If it (paper) contains the names of scholars or the righteous predecessors – may Allah be pleased with them – or the Islamic sciences, then it is disliked, and it does not reach the level of prohibition like the one before it.” [See Al-Madkhal, volume 4, page 89]

Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Barrak (may Allah preserve him) was asked about throwing papers in the trash while they contain the name of a Companion and he said:

“If the intention is not to insult: then it is not prohibited.”

Dear brothers and sisters! This is the Islamic rulings pertaining to this matter. And alhamdulillah, I learned that lastly the rug have been removed, but not because His Highness the Emir Sanusi was wrong, or he committed any offence in Islam, but it has been removed for peace to reign.

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. May the peace, blessings and salutations of Allah be upon our noble Messenger, Muhammad (Peace be upon him), and upon his family, his Companions and his true followers.

Murtadha Muhammad Gusau is the Chief Imam of: Nagazi-Uvete Jumu’ah Mosque; and Late Alhaji Abdur-Rahman Okene Mosque, Okene, Kogi State, Nigeria. He can be reached via:; or +2348038289761.

This Friday sermon (Jumu’ah Khutbah) was prepared for delivery today Friday, 24 Rabi’ul Awwal, 1446 AH (September 27, 2024).