This List Of Men In The Minneapolis Area With Incurable Erectile Dysfunction Is Sponsored By Hims!

by · ClickHole

Sometimes when it’s the penis, it won’t be hard. Everyone has known of this and Hims can cure it! That’s why it’s important to make a list of all the gentlemen out there who do not get the penis to do what they want. Hims found out all about them and they told us about them so that we could tell everyone! This list of men in the Minneapolis area with incurable erectile dysfunction is sponsored by Hims!

1.  Owen Hamilton

The people at Hims found out about Owen Hamilton and his erectile dysfunction. They learned about his private problem and told us so we could tell you! Owen Hamilton tries so hard to have a big penis but instead his penis is nothing good at all. There’s no way to help him except for him to eat a big handful of Hims medicine.

2. “Sly” Peter Gomez

Peter Gomez (known to his friends as “Sly”) doesn’t tell a lot of people about his difficult problem with making love, but the fine folks at Hims found out about how it was with his penis by tying him to a chair and forcing him to tell them everything that’s wrong about him. Now the people at Hims know what’s going on with Sly Gomez (legal name Peter). His penis is normal and small and huge and broken and Hims will fix it.

3. George Haverford

Thanks to Hims, it’s never been easier for a company to find out about all of your problems in the bedroom. Hims read an email that George Haverford sent to his doctor and they learned about his erectile dysfunction in the Minneapolis area. We would like to thank Hims for discovering George’s difficulties getting hard, staying hard, and using the hardness of his penis for the love-ways he finds with his wife when he tries. It doesn’t go well for him and Hims can help with the medicine! Thank you Hims!

4. Erection Dale

Erection Dale lives in Minneapolis with his wife and things are not great in the bedroom. We know this thanks to the fine folks at Hims, who had no qualms about hiding in Erection Dale’s yard and watching through his bedroom window as he tries to lift his penis for his sexual encounters. Many of Erection Dale’s sexual partners do not discover pleasure in his home and the reason why we know this is because Hims found it out and told us for the internet. Thank you to Hims for inventing Viagra!

5. Lawrence Richter

Minneapolis legend Lawrence Richter is known as Larry to his friends and his penis is never ready for sex. Hims is proud to announce that Larry Richter has erectile dysfunction and it is derailing his life. Larry loves sex because it feels good and it’s loud enough to drown out the sound of his smoke alarm’s low battery warning beeps. Unfortunately for Larry, it’s never erections in his life. Fortunately for Larry, Hims found out all about his impotent ways and gave us the info so we could broadcast it to the world. Larry Richter cannot have sex very well right now, but if he swallows the Hims medicine maybe that will fix everything!

Those are the five people in the Minneapolis area who have erectile dysfunction. There might be more, but the people at Hims haven’t told us about them yet.