Awesome! Chick-Fil-A Is Doing Its Own ‘Book It!’ Program By Giving Away Free Chicken Sandwiches To Kids Who Burn 25 Books

by · ClickHole

For years, Pizza Hut has successfully gotten kids to read books by offering them free pizzas through its “Book It!” program, and now it looks like another fast-food giant is getting in the game: Chick-Fil-A is now giving away free chicken sandwiches to kids who burn 25 books.

Amazing! Where was this program when we were kids?!

From now on, kids who participate in Chick-Fil-A’s “Burn It!” program will receive a free sandwich of their choice after burning 25 books, as confirmed by their parent or guardian’s signature. But before your child starts tossing books into the fireplace, be warned that kids can’t burn just any books if they want to claim their tasty prize. Participants must choose books from a select list of fiction and nonfiction titles at their reading level that contain indecent, immoral, or wicked ideas. That way, Chick-Fil-A can be sure that participating kids are helping to stamp out the foul Godlessness and sick devil-worship that now plague our once-great nation.

This is so cool! Shout out to Chick-Fil-A for creating such an awesome new program. If you’ve got kids, you’re going to want to sign them up, STAT!