18 Stories From People Who Were Impressed by the Service They Got

· Bright Side — Inspiration. Creativity. Wonder.

We use different services every day — we buy groceries in a shop, order a delivery, get a haircut in a hairdresser’s, and every time we meet different people. Some of these meetings leave the most pleasant memories, and some of them can spoil our mood. This article is about these completely different situations.

  • Wife and I took a friend and her husband out to a newer Thai fusion restaurant. The place looked great, and the food was above average, but the staff sucked. First we ordered drinks which showed up and were slopped all over the table, we had to ask for a towel instead of it being offered. Next we ordered food, I asked about a menu item and the server said “the description is in the menu.” At this point, I give in because I don’t want to cause a scene with friends.
    We get the bill and I pay rounding to the nearest dollar, I end up giving 14.3%. The server sees this and, I kid you not, points to the bottom of the receipt to the “tip guide.” Average service 20% good service 25% excellent service 30%. My response “Oh I’m sorry,” scribble 0% “that’s more like it.” The look on his face was perfect. © accidentallywinning / Reddit
  • A taxi was taking me home from tennis practice, and the driver asked me, “Did you win today?” I had left my uniform and racket in the gym, and it didn’t look like I had played tennis.
    I asked him, “How do you know?” He was like, “I gave you a lift a month ago, you said you play tennis on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And today is Thursday.” © Anthon / Pikabu
  • I ordered a pizza at 6 p.m. After 2 hours I call them, “Yes, the delivery is on the way!” At 9.15 p.m., I call and say, “Cancel the order!” And they’re like, “Then you’ll be on our blacklist! And your pizza can be heated in the microwave.” I say, “Put me on the blacklist.”
    I went to bed at 10 p.m., I had to go to work the following day. At 11.30 p.m., I get a call on the intercom. Pizza’s here! I don’t open the door and inform them that the order was cancelled. The delivery guy’s like, “What should I do to it? You’re the one who ordered it.”
    The next day I get a call, “Good day! Yesterday, you ordered a pizza from us. In order for you to enjoy our pizza more, we’ve recently changed the technology of cooking and delivery. Did you like it?” © ZzZZzzzzz11 / Pikabu
  • The waitress was putting dishes from the tray to the table. I noticed that the tray tilted threateningly and quickly moved backward. The juice spilled out exactly to where I had been sitting. And the waitress was like, “Wow, you’re the first person to dodge when I spill something.” © anekdot.ru
  • A plumber was fixing something, and my cat communicated with him actively. A week later, another plumber came to finish something and said right from the doorstep, “And where is the cat? I heard a lot about your cat, please show it to me.” © stardust01 / Pikabu
Karlee-J-Photography / Pixabay
  • We flew on holiday. On the plane, we were given sets with slippers and inflatable neck pillows. We inflated the pillows and had a great flight. Before we landed, I said to my wife and son, “We have to deflate the pillows and take them with us, it’s a 3-hour ride to the hotel.”
    The flight attendant heard this and just brought 3 new sets. She said the pillows don’t deflate very well, so take new ones. What a great bunch of people! © gishpanets / Pikabu
  • My boyfriend and I went to a pizza place. The waitress seemed okay at first, except a little more friendly with my boyfriend than she was with me. But then she started giving him obvious signs of attention: pouring soft drinks into his glass, ignoring mine, touching him, and then writing her phone number on the receipt!
    I’m not jealous, but this was too much. I paid the bill, so she didn’t get a tip. © AlderSpark / Reddit
  • I went to a dentist. My teeth are in really bad shape. The doctor was berating me for the entire 40 minutes I was there. “Why haven’t you taken care of your teeth? How do you kiss your wife?”
    I came there on my own, already stressed. I know everything is bad, and I came to solve the problem, not to listen to her lectures! I never went to her again. © Unknown author / Pikabu
  • A delivery guy brought me cat food. I opened the door, all disheveled and sleepy. He was like, “Oh, what a fluffy miracle!” I was speechless.
    And he continued, “Is her collar so fluffy from birth or do you have her groomed? We groom ours.” Only then I realized that my cat had come out from behind to see what was going on. © Tastydisgusting / Pikabu
  • My front door got locked while I was outside. The handyman came round. He looked at the door and said, “Will you give me $300 to open it?” I’m like, not sensing a catch, “Well, yeah.”
    He makes 3 blows on the door in different places and it opens. I’m stunned. And like in the movie, I couldn’t let go of the money for a few seconds when he already had it in his hands. © LuthorKane / Pikabu
  • My boyfriend and I were slammed with work today, so we decided to order a pizza. We have a pizza shop nearby, however, we placed the order for delivery. It’s raining and we both had 12-hour days.
    The man comes to deliver and for whatever reason our card wouldn’t work. Weird, we were just paid. So we try a few more times and still nothing. We tried our personal cards and our credit cards. It must have been an issue with the machine, and we sadly had no cash.
    Though the people who run this shop are very kind, we expected them to simply cancel the order as a payment wasn’t made, taking the pizza with them. Standard business, right? The man hands my boyfriend the pizza and tells him not to worry about it, and to stop by whenever we had time this week.
    We had a small disbelieving back and forth as this is so above and beyond. He just chuckled at us and said we were regulars! He knows us by name and order!
    What amazing people. We had our dinner, waited for the rain to pass, and headed right down the block to pay out tab. Not only do these fellas make a great pizza, but clearly they are great humans too. © Phosphate-3 / Reddit
petrovhey / Pixabay
  • I flew in business class for the first time — the company paid for my ticket to a conference. It cost an insane amount of money. I didn’t know that the ticket also included the business lounge in the airport. With all the free food and comfortable seats.
    So I sat at the airport in the common lounge, and when boarding was announced, I got on the bus with everyone else. We get to the plane and the doors don’t open. The driver says we are waiting for business class passengers to board the plane. “I am also a business class passenger!” I wanted to shout, but I didn’t because I didn’t want to look stupid.
    I see a couple of expensive cars pull up, and business class passengers get out of there. “Bring me back, I want there too!” I wanted to shout again, but again I didn’t. I board the plane, sit down, they ask me if I’m in the right seat. I confirm. “What would you like to eat?” asks a flight attendant. I feel like a king!
    And there are appetizers, cold meal, hot meal. I was blown away and ordered everything I could get my hands on. It was a super comfortable trip! And the conference went great. And then I got fired. © serezha.smog / Pikabu
  • A delivery guy who was supposed to deliver my order came to a different address, a few houses away from me. He called me, saying, “I’m knocking on your door, open up.” I look, there’s nobody at the entrance. I open the app, and he is in a different place on the map.
    I call him back and say, “You’ve come to a wrong address.” And he replies, “The navigator led me to you, there is no mistake.” I call support, explaining the situation.
    A few minutes later they call back and say, “The delivery guy refuses to go to another address, he has done his job, he followed the navigator, take the order from him and that’s it.” I no longer order delivery. © civilla / Pikabu
  • I bought an 8-week-old golden retriever puppy and went to a vet clinic with her. The female vet examined the puppy and said everything was fine. I was about to leave when some man came out and said, “Hi, is that you with the puppy? Come on in!”
    I was confused and said, “But she’s already been examined!” He grimaced and we both stared at the female vet, who shut herself back in her room with a sly laugh. I asked, “Did she steal our appointment from you?” He, “Yes...”
    As he looked extremely dejected, I exclaimed, “Would you like to hold the puppy?” He lit up like a Christmas tree, “Really? That would be wonderful!” He took the puppy and started cooing to it while she licked his nose.
    Eventually, all the clinic staff gathered around us to pet the pup. The puppy really enjoyed meeting everyone. It went on for a good half an hour. Everyone deserves a puppy love! © fudgeyboombah / Reddit
JACLOU-DL / Pixabay
  • Had to run some errands in town on the third consecutive day above 113°F, and my 3-month-old baby was not having it — walked into a new café to sit down and feed her when she started screaming loudly. Went up to the counter pretty flustered and ordered a coffee quickly when the waitress says, “I’m sorry, but the connection is down, do you have cash?” My baby started crying louder, so I apologized and asked if they don’t mind me leaving my pram behind for a minute, that I’d run down and withdraw some cash while I feed my little one.
    Meanwhile, the waitress had stuck her head back into the kitchen and spoke quietly to an older man (presumably the owner) then said to me, “You sit down, you’re not to worry about it. I’ll bring the coffee over to you, which size were you after again?” I thanked her and said I’d go to get the money as soon as I’d finished feeding, and she shook her head and said, “No way, this one is on the house.”
    Went and got the money anyway as soon as my baby settled, and when I got back to the counter ordered lunch from a different waitress and asked to pay for both the food and the coffee I’d been given earlier. The new waitress shook her head as well and said, “Nope, she gave you that coffee for free, didn’t she? You’re not paying.” I left the change in the tip jar (despite their protests) and will be back for many a meal in future. © notheretowatch / Reddit
  • For my son’s birthday, we ordered 5 pizzas from a neighboring pizzeria, with a pickup. They call — the order is ready. My husband arrives, and they tell him that only 3 pizzas are ready, and the other 2 have run out. Come for them tomorrow.
    The husband is like, “I don’t need them tomorrow, I need them now! The party’s tonight!” And they said they couldn’t do anything. In the end, they gave him 2 more cheap pizzas with sausages, even though we had already paid for the order. We fed our guests, of course, but that wasn’t funny at all. © momnation / Reddit
  • We have several cats at home. We order food and litter, usually by self-delivery. Fifth floor with no elevator, 30-pound bags: I carry the heavy stuff, my wife and son carry the lighter stuff. And there was once a promotion on the litter — 5 bags of 40 pounds, with a good discount.
    We ordered delivery. The delivery boy dragged 200 pounds of litter to the fifth floor and didn’t even say a word. He got a good tip and a jar of homemade honey. And the cat bit him, but not badly. © Dr ***53 / Pikabu
  • For many years, I went to get my hair cut by an excellent stylist. Gradually she began to tell about herself. It turned out that she is the owner of this salon. She bought the place, and instead of renting out spots, hired good stylists and paid them high wages.
    She doesn’t skimp on tools or equipment. The chairs were replaced with better ones, more expensive repairs were made, a car park was arranged. And she met her husband here too, he came in for a haircut.
    She once told me that if it wasn’t for her husband, she would probably have sold the salon. And her husband encouraged her and allowed her to experiment with his hairstyles (even let her dyeing his hair). And once he even allowed her to shave all his hair, including eyebrows and eyelashes, for a shoot in some magazine. © Y2k18 / Pikabu

But people in this article got an excellent service at a restaurant and decided to talk about it.