The list supposedly came from the mother-in-law (stock photo)(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

People left in stitches over mother-in-law's 'ridiculous' list for son's wife

A list supposedly provided by a mother-in-law on how to be a 'better wife' is causing uproar on social media – however not everyone thinks it's such a massive deal

by · The Mirror

A woman has left people dumbfounded after sharing a list of ‘how to be a good wife’ that allegedly came from her mother-in-law.

Posted to social media, the inventory included preparing breakfast and cleaning the entire house, going to the gym every day and always smiling and being supportive in order to keep your husband happy.

The image read: “Lisa’s daily routine for becoming a better wife.” It began with an alarm at 5.00am to get up and start preparing breakfast, which should always be eggs, toast, bacon and freshly brewed coffee. All of this should be ready on the table by 5.30am.

Next was exercise. It read: “Gym from 6.00am to 7.00am – keep in shape. No excuses.” From 7.30am to 9.30am is when the wife should clean the whole house from top to bottom including “vacuuming, dusting and mopping the floors”. It went on: “Laundry must be done daily and folded by 10am.”

Once all the cleaning has been done, you have to prepare lunch for hubby, if he’s at home, otherwise you should make it for him the night before so he can take with him to work. When your beloved does finish for the day, dinner should be on the table no later than 6.30pm. It stated: “A fresh home-cooked meal every day. No takeout allowed!”

If you think you got the evenings off, think again, as Lisa is expected to be available for her husband and any guests he might have over to provide them with drinks and homemade snacks.

Regardless if you have anything that needs doing, the list states the house should be quiet by 9.00pm so the husband can have some time to relax and unwind after his stressful day.

After doing everything, the wife is allowed to go to bed by 10.00pm so she can be ready for another early start in the morning. However, that’s only possible if the house is spick and span, lunch made and husband satisfied.

It finished: “Smile and be supportive no matter how tired you are because a good wife keeps the household stress-free!”

Despite there being a surge in popularity for the ‘tradwife’ movement, the 1950s-sounding list didn’t go down well with most people. One user replied: “INSANE. OH I almost couldn't breathe from laughter oh my God ahahhaaaa.”

While someone else quipped: “If I wanted a life this regimented I’d have stayed in prison.” And a third user reasoned: “I’ll be married 28 years in a couple months. Doormats aren’t attractive. Do this stuff out of love, not obligation. If you don’t do this stuff, it doesn’t mean you’re a ‘bad’ wife.”

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However, not everyone was horrified. One person responded: “I don’t see the problem with this. it’s obvious the this is a good SAH agenda. if she worked it would say work on her schedule. If i’m at home all the and my husband works and pays all the bills, I'm doing all of this.”

Another person offered: “Seems like a nice easy life Lisa has if taking care of kids isn't even included in this. Honestly I'd be able to do all these things also if my 6-9am, 12-3pm and 7-11pm wasn't designated for kids and work.”

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