Experts say embracing the new season can boost your mood(Image: Getty Images)

6 ways to boost your health this autumn - from wild swimming to forest bathing

Autumn is typically associated with coughs, colds and low mood – but Mernie Gilmore discovers there are some surprising positives to welcoming in the new season

by · The Mirror

Summer your favourite season? Then you’re not alone – according to a survey from John Lewis, more than half of us favour the warmer months over the rest of the year.

So it stands to reason that the arrival of autumn isn’t usually met with much cheer.

But experts agree it comes with some surprising health benefits, and embracing the new season can not only boost mood and strengthen the immune system, but help you sleep better too.

“Don’t let the seasonal change get you down – we need to embrace the onset of autumn as it poses a host of significant health benefits,” says GP Dr Deborah Lee ( “So put the summer behind you and approach autumn and winter with positivity.”

Embrace cool weather: You may miss summer’s sunny days, but there are many reasons why cooler temperatures are good for health.

Studies have shown lower temperatures can do everything from improving cognitive function to boosting weight loss. And cold weather can also improve sleep.

“Cooler weather is conducive to better sleep because the body naturally prepares for rest by lowering its core temperature, says physiotherapist and sleep specialist Sammy Margo ( “Crisp autumn air can help facilitate this process, making it easier to fall asleep.”

TOP TIP: Take cold therapy one step further by trying wild swimming, says Dr Lee. “Regularly immersing yourself in cold water gives you a surge of adrenaline and dopamine. It also encourages the body to turn white fat into brown fat – which burns up to five times more calories,” she says.

“If you haven’t done it before, start gradually and never swim alone – think about joining an outdoor swim club.”

Sleep more deeply: Cooler temperatures aren’t the only aspect of autumn that will improve sleep – the shorter days can have an impact too.

“Many people feel sleepier during autumn – the reduction in daylight hours tells the body it requires more rest to maintain optimal functioning and health,” says Sammy.

“The increased darkness encourages the body to produce melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycle. This can lead to increased sleepiness in the evening, and better overall sleep quality.”

TOP TIP: “To aid sleep, create a personalised bedtime routine,” says Sammy. “Incorporate activities that help you unwind, such as reading a book, having a warm bath or doing gentle yoga.”

Regular workouts can boost your immune system( Image: Getty Images)

Work on your fitness: Summer can make it difficult to stick to an exercise routine – hot weather is fatiguing and holidays get in the way.

But autumn is the perfect time to start getting fit, says personal trainer Carl Smith (

“It is the ideal time to refocus on health and fitness. Temperature and humidity both dip, making working out more tolerable, and chances are you’re back into your normal routine,” he says.

Regular autumn workouts could even help fend off coughs and colds.

“Exercise can enhance the immune system – studies have found it can even reduce the chance of contracting Covid,” he adds.

TOP TIP: Autumn’s bad weather can get in the way of exercising outdoors, so be prepared, says Carl.

“Make sure you have the proper attire – a jacket, appropriate footwear and leggings. And warm up indoors by jogging around your kitchen and doing dynamic stretches. By the time you go outside, your core will be warm and your mindset in the right place.”

Calming colours: The changing colours of autumn are famously beautiful, but research has shown that looking at an autumn landscape can help to induce feelings of calmness.

“Looking at trees, foliage and vegetation has been shown to lower stress and calm anxiety,” says Dr Lee.

“It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system – the body’s involuntary rest and relaxation pathway.”

TOP TIP: Try forest bathing – a mindfulness practice that involves spending time in woodland areas and has been shown to boost the immune system. “Autumn is prime time for forest bathing,” says Dr Lee.

“The autumn leaves and colour changes give you an opportunity to be mindful, and you’ll be inhaling phytoncides as you walk – natural substances found in trees and leaves that have health benefits.”

Embrace seasonaleating From apples and pears to blackberries and squash, seasonal autumn fruit and veg is packed with health benefits.

“The nutritional value of fruit and vegetables is considered highest at peak ripeness. Nutrients start to decline as soon as they are harvested,” says Sammie Gill, dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association (

“In season, locally sourced produce doesn’t require long distances for transport – typically it is purchased and consumed within a short time after harvest.”

Autumn fruit and veg can also help to boost the immune system. Sammie says: “Fruit and vegetables contain key nutrients that are immune protective, such as vitamin C, which supports the activity and function of immune cell populations.

Studies also show that a higher intake of fruit and veg is linked with lower inflammation and a healthier immune response.”

TOP TIP: Autumnal food such as curries, stews and baking all include spices, which is good news for health, says Sammie. “Spices offer far more than flavour. They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties thanks
to the abundance of vitamins, minerals and plant compounds they contain.

“For example, ginger is rich in potassium, magnesium and copper, as well as B vitamins and vitamins A, C and E.”

Improve your mood: Autumn is often linked with low mood and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) leads to significant winter depression for three per cent of people, according to the Royal Society of Psychiatrists. “Autumn can be associated with low mood as the evenings become cold and dark,” says Lisa Gunn, mental health prevention lead at Nuffield Health ( “However, it can also be good for mental health – there can be excitement and happiness as the familiar change of the seasons comes round with its colours, crisp mornings and cosiness.”

Lisa believes autumn is a good season to set healthy new habits. “It is a great time to get moving. Getting outside while the environment is exploding with colour – even for just 10 minutes a day – will improve your emotional wellbeing, as spending time in nature can lower stress, improve sleep and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.”

TOP TIP: Make an effort to get out into natural daylight to top up your vitamin D levels, says Lisa. “During the winter months a lot of people are vitamin D deficient. So plan your day to make sure you’re outside when it’s light.

“This could be going for a walk or meeting up with friends at lunchtime rather than in the evening.”