$2 a Day for the Great Merit of Supporting Torah Study

Just $2 a day. That's all it takes to support the Kolel L’Horaah Ma’asis as it enters its fifth year - and brings great merit to you.

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By COLlive reporter

Just $2 a day. That’s all it takes to support the Kolel L’Horaah Ma’asis as it enters its fifth year.

Rabbi Shloimy Greenwald, Rosh Kollel, businessman, and philanthropist, is asking for 400 people to commit to $2 a day to keep the Kolel flourishing and thriving as it continues to educate the next generation of Rabbonim and community leaders.

With over 80 Yungeleit learning in Kolel throughout the four years, the Kolel, which was founded by and is directed by Shloimy, has already earned a reputation in the Chabad world and the outside world as a premier Torah learning institution.

The Kolel has on staff the Dayan Rabbi Sholom Shuchat as Rosh Kolel, Rabbi Simon Jacobson as Mashpia, Rabbi Shraga Homnick as Sgan Rosh Kolel and Rabbi Eli Labkowsky as Meishiv for Chassidus.

The Kolel is currently in the midst of a fundraising campaign, which has faced difficulty while Shloimy, the main fundraiser, is recovering from a medical emergency.

Shloimy is asking all who can to join in supporting the Kolel, which brings great merit to all those who do.

“I am asking for 400 people to donate $2.00 per day, or $700 for the year,” he says. “This will help keep the Kolel going strong as it educates the next generation of leaders.”

To donate to the Kolel today, click here: raisethon.com/kollelhm

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