Photos: Shalom Ross, Mendy Krief/COLlive

The New Hachnosas Orchim Lodging Complex in Crown Heights

A huge tent is going up on Carroll Street in Crown Heights in response to the shortage of available accommodations for the Tishrei month, expanding the neighborhood’s capacity for welcoming guests.

by · COLlive

With construction underway, the new Hachnosas Orchim lodging complex—initiated by Askanim and supported by the Rabbonim—marks an exciting new chapter in the history of Hachnosas Orchim in the Rebbe’s Shechuna.

Each Tishrei, thousands of Bochurim arrive in Crown Heights to spend Tishrei in the Rebbe’s Daled Amos, to Daven, learn, and strengthen their Hiskashrus that will last with them for the rest of the Year. With the evergrowing demand for Hachnosas Orchim, Askanim got to work to bring a solution: A new Hachnosas Orchim lodging facility that will bez”h serve the Rebbe’s guests.

Beyond being a logistical solution, this new complex represents a genuine bracha for the entire neighborhood and embodies the spirit of renewal and progress within it. The most significant innovation is the facility’s capacity to serve thousands of guests simultaneously while maintaining an elevated experience for the Orchim.

Located within walking distance of 770, the complex provides approximately 600 comfortable and spacious sleeping accommodations, complete with high-quality beds and mattresses. The structure is fully enclosed and well-air-conditioned, with quality insulation, restrooms, a 24/7 security system, and a police vehicle stationed at the entrance.

This facility enables Crown Heights to continue its tradition of warmly welcoming the Rebbe’s guests while easing the pressure on our Neighborhood and fulfilling the Rebbe’s vision on a scale larger than ever before.

All these amenities allow the Rebbe’s guests to focus on the essence — the ruchnius experience of Tishrei at 770 — without worrying about their gashmius needs. Thanks to these efforts, the new lodging complex offers a comprehensive and high-quality solution, enabling the Rebbe’s guests to experience their visit to Crown Heights with the utmost comfort and to make the most of their precious time in the Rebbe’s Shechuna.

Together, we’re making history in Crown Heights!

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The organizers would like to thank:
Avremel Lokshin, Property owner, for his exceptional generosity in providing the space for the lodging complex;
Mayor Eric Adams for his unwavering support and assistance in overcoming bureaucratic obstacles;
Uri Fraenkel, Anthony Iuliano, and the Mayor’s dedicated team for their hard work in removing bureaucratic obstacles and facilitating the project
Moshe Rubashkin for his significant contribution to the guests’ welfare and support of the project
Beis Shmuel-Chabad for their vital logistical support;
Brooklyn Brokerage for their professionalism in handling all real estate aspects of the project
YP Mechanical for their efficient work in installing essential systems in the complex;
Camp Chayolei Hamelech for generously lending 450 mattresses;
Camp Chomesh Connecticut for donating additional mattresses
Ahaliav Abotbol of Charidy for his professional management of the Charidy fundraising campaign;
Eli Cohen and Yanky Berman for their crucial help with city offices and maintaining connection with the mayor;
Yudi Grünberg and Yitzchak Labkovsky for their continuous support and push throughout the project;
Lipa Lieberman for his generous help;
Meir Kabakov for taking responsibility for managing the complex;
R’ Mendel Mintz for his professional advice and dedication of time to the project;
Izzy Ben Shimon for his material assistance to the project;
Eli Friedman – A1 Party for providing essential equipment and professional event organization;
Menachem Gurevitch, Vaad Hakohol Crown Heights for their dedication, support, and significant investment throughout the project, serving as pillars of the community and tirelessly working for the project’s success.

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