TLPS Written Word for Rosh Hashana

The Late Parsha Show by Eli Weiss, a written word piece for Rosh Hashana.

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First of all I’m writing this from a plane.

We’re right before take off and want to quickly get to the point and send you, dear reader, the blessing to be inscribed and sealed in G-d’s book of life for a good and sweet year. I am certain we have our Father our Kings blessings in all areas, for all of our families, children, health, and abundant sustenance, and true success in all our endeavors the core of which is service of G-d.

As mentioned, I’m writing this on an airplane right before take-off.

If you’ll allow me to deliver this message on a metaphorical plane, (pun 100% intended) then please fasten your seatbelt. Get ready for some meaningful & practical chassidic inspiration as well as some questionably sub-par humor and occasional rhyme-game. Also be prepared for a shameless plug for wife’s emotion and body code practice. Oh, was that it?

Anyway, using the airplane for our analogy, we are all on this plane and it’s right before take off.

It is now Erev Rosh Hashana. The eve of the “head of the year.” We are on the tarmac about to lift off.
The new year for mankind. The new light for the universe from beyond is about to begin.

In some places the year has already begun.

I’m so thankful for my past year and for everyone who was part of it. Biggest thing for me? – I married my wife Fruma!
Life hack: It is so important to dwell on our blessings and contemplate our good fortune with verbal gratitude. We all love revealed goodness. If you want more of it; share good news and miracle stories of everyday life and celebrate with family and friends. This literally reveals the goodness even more.

Anyway, together with being so thankful, I, like many others feel extremely broken. However, I do not wish to speak of the horrific atrocities and tremendous pain that we have endured this year. There is no word… But the light of goodness is shining bright once again and Baruch Hashem we continue to see miracles again and again. With our increased physical and spiritual efforts, before we know it, we have won the war, evil is no more, and we and our loved ones are safe and sound in the Holy Land of Israel forevermore.

While choosing to not dwell on the extreme hardships of our people this past year, and continuing to reflect on my year I realize (shocker, I am human) that some things I needed to deal with were a serious headache.
I’m using this word specifically. Yeah, I’m about to go on another metaphorical tangent and this time it’s about headaches.

If you’re still reading this, chances are as high as the holy days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur that you are able to see the word headache in it’s figurative meaning.

A figurative headache, like a physical headache, is uncomfortable. Often, an inconvenience, big or small can be referred to as a serious (or mild) headache to deal with.

But what is happening when we have a physical headache?
Why might my head be hurting?
What is the great gift of my body doing to protect itself that manifests as a busting throb in my head?

If I knew, perhaps I’d have a better experience with the headache. Or I wouldn’t have it at all – if I’d solve the root problem. Some would rather not think about it much and they’d simply take a tylenol or advil. I get that. Dealing with symptoms to keep normal functioning is important because well, normal functioning is important. (Shameless plug: you can also speak to my wife Fruma, a certified EC and BC practitioner and a gifted healer. She can help you get to the core of a chronic headache and other such issues and give you a reset.)

Hopefully my writing hasn’t given you a headache.

Your head has a lot going on.

Let’s go inside the head to the brain. Ahh the brain. The seat of Chochma. The epicenter of information for the body to precisely perform its many functions. The way you interact within yourself, the firing and wiring of neurons, and how ultimately a physical pain shooting through my left pinkie toe – from stepping on a little Lego fireman dude – is immediately sensed by the brain and felt in my head. (And the fact that it occurred at 5:46 AM on my way out the door, which by the way then slammed me from behind, all becomes a figurative and physical headache and for a second I might even forget how blessed I am to have both my legs, all my toes, and a home with a door. The Lego mentchy I threw out.:) )

Rosh means head. Shana means year.
The Head of the year, like the head of your body distributes energy. Rosh Hashana is a reset of G-d’s desire to create the world. G-d creates the world at every moment but this is new G-dly flow. A new & increasingly powerful light into all of existence with every year. In fact it’s a”head” (dad-joke) of time.
Our collective Head, is indeed ahead of time. Also behind time. Also within time. G-d is G-d.

G-d desires the world for one reason and you are it.
You always were. So, on Rosh Hashana, G-d sits in judgement of us & with us. We decide together with our Father and King that we are interested in continuing.

The body of the human – formed on the original Rosh Hashana of existence – is made in G-d’s image. Our physical anatomy as well as our psyche etc, is a reflection and even more so, an extension of our Source. What we do affects our Source just as we are affected by it. Your body is not separate from your head – there is constant communication all throughout. So too, us below in our bodies are in contact with the constant flux of the Divine. Affected by it and effecting more.

So in super short, there’s Kabolos Ol Malchus Shamayim (accepting the yoke of Heaven) for us and Kabolos hamalchus (accepting kingship) for G-d.
But here’s the thing:
“Acceptance of the yoke” essentially is accepting that you are Royalty. You have a royal position and it comes with great privilege and great responsibility.

This Rosh Hashana the great coronation takes place again. Bigger and better than ever. We pray this is the year Moshiach is revealed.

Place the crown on your head and your Father the King will display the full Glory of G-d upon the world. Moshiach Now.

Eli Tzvi Weiss

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