Joyous Sukkos at Chabad of Bergen Beach

The new Chabad Center in Brooklyn's Bergen Beach neighborhood, which opened its doors on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, quickly became a center for prayers and celebrations throughout the holidays.

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The new Chabad Center in Brooklyn’s Bergen Beach neighborhood, which opened its doors on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, quickly became a center for prayers and celebrations throughout the holidays. Many residents in the neighborhood attended the Sukkot services for the first time and were deeply moved by the special atmosphere and the spiritual experience.

Alongside the synagogue, a large sukkah was built, hosting local families, including many new immigrants from the Former Soviet Union. These Russian-speaking families excitedly joined the growing Bergen Beach community.

The Chabad Shluchim, Rabbi Mendy and Rebbetzin Sterny Weissberg, shared their excitement about meeting so many residents and organized unique activities for children and community members, making the holiday experience unforgettable.

During Chol HaMoed, the Chabad organized a mobile sukkah that traveled throughout the neighborhood, bringing the mitzvah of the Four Species – Lulav and Etrog- to hundreds of Jewish homes. Many of these residents recited the Shehecheyanu blessing for the first time.

This is just the beginning, and they are already seeing the blessing of the Rebbe for great success. With renewed energy and joy, Simchat Torah was also celebrated with the entire community.

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