Cheder, Mesivta Teachers Gather at Chanukah Events

The Hanhala members and Mechanchim of Cheder Ohr Menachem and Tomchei Temimim of Queens united to experience the Simcha of Chanukah with 'Latkes Ovent' events.

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The Hanhala members and Mechanchim of Cheder Ohr Menachem and Tomchei Temimim of Queens united to experience the Simcha of Chanukah with ‘Latkes Ovent’ events.

Each had their own unforgettable Mesibos. Both events were filled Divrei Torah, Chassidishe Nigunnim, Sipurei Chassidim and inspiration, creating a true brotherly and Shlichus atmosphere.

Adding to the special experience, each participant received a special Chanukah gift – a personal laptop to enhance their Limud HaTorah experience, symbolizing the ultimate triumph of the Chashmonaim – Maccabees over the Yevanim. “This thoughtful gift will surely add and enhance the a love for Torah learning and will definitly result in fostering a deeper Chassidishkait,” a Mechanech remarked. This was in addition to a bonus of Chanukah gelt each received.

May the light of Chanukah continue to illuminate the minds and hearts of these young Tmimim and Talmidim, inspiring them to become ever greater Neiros L’hoir (torchbearers) of Torah and Chassidus, and ushering in the light of the Geula Now!

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