Second Inner Wheel Club formed in Kota Kinabalu

· Borneo Post Online
Jeffrey, Janet (seated second from left) and the IWCFRP exco at the event on Saturday.

KOTA KINABALU (Sept 28): United by the call to serve and help the less fortunate, a group of like minded women got together and formed the Inner Wheel Club of Freesia-Rose Penampang (IWCFRP).

IWCFRP was established on April 25, 2024 and is registered with the Registrar of Societies Malaysia. It is the second Inner Wheel Club to be formed in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, and one of several Clubs to be formed during the Centennial Year of Inner Wheel.

IWCFRP held its charter celebration here on Saturday where the exco for 2024 to 2025 led by President Janet J. Gunsalam was installed.

The exco are vice president Ranie Kitingan, secretary Nur Fasiha @Jasa, treasurer Catherine Jikunan, international service organiser Jenny Simon, club correspondent Joanne Ng and committee members Christe Alex, Devyne Koh, Flora Fedilis, Florencia Balagut and Mimehloma Sunggim.

Guest of honour, Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Jeffrey Kitingan in his speech congratulated Inner Wheel District 331 on its extension work in forming IWCFRP.

“I am pleased to note that although barely a few months old, IWCFRP has already undertaken a couple of community service projects for the recent flood victims in one of the rural villages in Tuaran and also has a few other meaningful projects lined up for the months ahead.

“I have been given to understand that one of these projects is supporting the needs of single mothers. In our society today, we see many single mothers who face challenges not only in supporting their children but also ensuring that their education is not compromised,” he said.

Jeffrey added that the needs of single mothers will be addressed by offering support through empowerment, self-sustainability, self-care knowledge and assistance for basic necessities through IWCFRP’s fund-raising activities.

He added that the country’s development plan has also ensured that besides increasing women’s participation in the workforce, it will also continue to improve the provision of support for widows, single mothers and those with lower income.

“It is reassuring for us to know that this Club is also dedicated to nurturing our children, who will one day shape the future of our generations to come. Living in a world faced with many challenges such as those climate-related, food-related and biodiversity loss, is already a challenge in itself.

“Nurturing the next generation for a resilient and sustainable future is therefore very important. I wish the members of the Inner Wheel Club of Freesia-Rose Penampang a successful year and many more fruitful and happy years, ahead,” the Deputy Chief Minister said.