Scorcher is one of the Dogs Trust Merseyside residents in need of a new home(Image: Dogs Trust)

10 older dogs from Dogs Trust Merseyside in need of forever homes

by · Liverpool Echo

Older dogs are often overlooked in rescues - can you make a difference?


All dogs deserve a loving family. Sadly, many homeless and abandoned adult dogs end up waiting in kennels for years for the right person to come along. This is an even bigger problem for older dogs - those aged eight and above - who are often overlooked.

While many people think they would prefer a puppy, an older dog can be just as playful, loyal and loving, and adopting from the RSPCA, Dog's Trust or another charity is significantly cheaper than buying an expensive pedigree from a breeder.

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We've made a list of 10 older dogs from Dogs Trust Merseyside Rehoming Centre who are in desperate need of homes in which to live out their twilight years. People who are interested in adding one of these four-legged friends to their family are asked to register to adopt with the Dog's Trust.

You will be asked to provide details about your home, your lifestyle and the dogs you are interested in. You will also be asked to select a rehoming centre. Afterwards, the Dog's Trust team will review the application and contact you within seven days to talk about your dog search.

The Trust retain all applications it receives for three months, during which time it will be used to scope out the most suitable pet from your chosen centre. After a match is made, you will be invited to meet the dog at your chosen rehoming centre. Some of the dogs will need to meet prospective owners several times to see if they are compatible.

If no dog matching your requirements becomes available during the three month time period, however, you may be asked to apply again. After adoption, the Trust will keep in touch to see how you and the dog are doing.

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  1. Luna

    Breed: Staffordshire bull terrier
    Age: 11 years
    Sex: Female
    Requirements: No children, no other pets.
    The Dogs Trust says:
    11 year old Luna is a beautiful, happy golden oldie with a smile that can melt hearts! She loves people and likes to say hello to as many as possible on her walks. If you sit down in Luna's home, expect her to come along and plonk her bottom in your lap! She's a curious girl who likes to be involved in everything, but she's also very polite and does as she's asked. Luna likes to watch out of the window and see other dogs go by, but on a walk she isn't really interested in them and mostly will choose to avoid them. It's unlikely that she would want to share her home with another pet. Luna loves toast! She gets so excited when her foster family are making some, but waits patiently for her bit. Luna is such a sweetheart and very well behaved at home, she is clean and sleeps through the night, and doesn't mind being by herself for a little while, she'll take the opportunity for an extra snooze. She isn't fazed by much and is super easy going.
    1 of 10
  2. Barney

    Breed: Crossbreed
    Age: 9 years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: No children, no other pets.
    The Dogs Trust says:
    Barney is a lively 9 year old boy who is bursting with energy and is raring to go. He's incredibly smart and loves training, so we're hoping to find a family with an interest in carrying this on. When he's not out and about, Barney is happy to lounge across the back of his sofa in a very cat like fashion. He's an agility star too, and will often leap on the equipment and show off his skills! When Barney's in the mood, he can be a real snuggler, and likes to be close by you, just watching the world go by.
    2 of 10
  3. Scorcher

    Breed: Border collie
    Age: 8+ years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: No children, no other pets.
    The Dogs Trust says:
    Scorcher has recently lost his owner, and although we've been taking things at his pace, he's settled very well with us. He's making a lot of friends at the centre and likes to greet people feet first! Scorcher has been through a lot, and for a spell was home alone with a family member popping to in feed and let him out, so he's rather bewildered by all that's happening. Scorcher is thrilled at getting regular walks now and and is great on his lead and likes to explore new places. Unfortunately he doesn't seem comfortable around other dogs, especially if they approach him head on. He has walked calmly behind others and likes a little time to settle in to it, but Scorcher isn't bothered about interacting with them. He's probably going to be happiest as the only dog at home, but some quiet friends for walking might be nice. Scorcher loves his grub and we have seen him counter-surf and do his very best to get to a tiny bit of food on a worktop! It would be a good idea to make sure no goodies are within his reach.
    3 of 10
  4. Toby

    Breed: Lurcher
    Age: 8+ years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: No children, no other pets.
    The Dogs Trust says:
    Toby is the sweetest dog who enjoys a gentle fuss and snuggling up on his sofa, but what he enjoys most is running around after his toys and generally being downright silly! He can be quite strong when he's on his lead, and he's an active lad who loves being outdoors and will happily walk for hours, exploring everywhere. Toby is clever and picks things up very quickly, and he can be outrageously affectionate at times, nuzzling into his handlers for the gentlest cuddles. He will walk with some other dogs but can be selective, so it's always best to introduce him slowly to any potential walking buddies. His preference is leggy dogs like himself, although he will need to be the only pet in the home. He adores people and really enjoys human company. He would appreciate being allowed to run off lead somewhere, such as a secure hired field. Toby spends a few days at a time at a volunteer's house now and again, where he has been perfectly behaved. He's had a poor experience with children in the past so needs a home with just adults.
    4 of 10
  1. Freya

    Breed: Jack Russell
    Age: 8+ years
    Sex: Female
    Requirements: No children, no other pets.
    The Dogs Trust says:
    Freya is a little nervous around new people so will need a new family who can commit to meeting her here at the centre a few times, until she feels confident enough to go home. Freya is deaf and a slow approach will be needed when handling her as if startled, she may snap. She does mix well with other calm and quiet dogs when out and about, however she does not want to share her living space and does need to be the only pet in the home. Freya is currently in one of our wonderful foster homes and she loves nothing more than spending time with Lynne, her favourite person, going for walks. She isn't able to go as far as she would like these days due to some arthritis in her legs, so she's happy to stay at home eating her favourite snacks sometimes! Freya's favourite places are watching the word go by at the front window, curled up in a little ball on the sofa snoozing, or pottering around in the garden. Freya is a very sensitive little dog who builds a strong bond with her people and finds it difficult to be left alone, she will need someone at home all day with no time spent alone initially. Help and advice will be given by our training team regarding her separation issues. Although Freya forms a close bond with her people she does very much prefer a hands off approach and will make it clear when she is not comfortable with handling; it has to be on Freya's terms. Freya is a sweet little girl who needs an understanding new home that will allow her the much needed time to settle in and to get to know her new surroundings and family.
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  2. Oscar

    Breed: Shih tzu
    Age: 12 years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: No children, no other pets.
    The Dogs Trust says:
    Twelve year old Oscar is a golden oldie who has a real cheeky sweet personality. He is very independent and does not enjoy being fussed and cuddled, however he is more than happy to sit by you and spend time with you. As Oscar is uncomfortable with people around his food he will need to be left alone to eat and have his own space. Oscar has bitten over his food before now and his handlers have worked very hard to reduce his resource guarding, but this will need careful management in his new home. His handlers have also put in an awful lot of work to enable Oscar to tolerate some basic grooming, and have devised a specific plan for his new family to follow, potentially collaborating with a groomer. The centre's training team will be by the adopter's side throughout the whole process and beyond, once Oscar has gone home. Oscar enjoys walking with calm dogs who won’t jump on him or push him and he is looking for a home as the only dog. He likes a gentle stroll these days and losing an eye to an ulcer some time ago hasn't held him back in any way. Oscar is worried by strangers attempting to touch him and he takes a long time to trust you, so he is looking for a family that are happy to separate him in the home from irregular visitors and gradually introduce him to a few regular visitors as well as give him all the time he needs to build a good, strong relationship with adopters.
    6 of 10
  3. Tilly

    Breed: American bulldog
    Age: 8+ years
    Sex: Female
    Requirements: Can live with older children, no other pets.
    The Dogs Trust says:
    To know Tilly is to love her! She is a firm favourite with her carers and gives back the love she receives tenfold. Tilly is a big ol' girl with some age related aches and pains and she's had a tough time of late. Her favourite thing is to be made a fuss of, but she's less keen on formal handling such as baths and ear cleaning. She loves playtime though, and will happily entertain herself (and us!) with a few things to fling around and be silly with. Tilly will happily approach people for a fuss but can get spooked if her personal space is invaded unexpectedly. She does seem more comfortable with women but has taken quickly and wonderfully to her male foster carer. She is best suited to a home where everyone is over the age of 16, and can recognise when Tilly doesn't want to be bothered, for instance if she has a nice long lasting treat. Tilly really likes to get out and explore and she simply loves being in the car! Tilly isn't a fan of other dogs and will make her feelings clear if they're too close. It's best to allow her to keep some distance between herself and other dogs. Tilly is a real sweetheart and shows this to anyone who takes the time to get to know her. She deserves to be loved and at the heart of a family.
    7 of 10
  1. Star

    Breed: Border collie
    Age: 8+ years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: Can live with older children, no other pets.
    The Dogs Trust says:
    Star has a lot of typical Collie traits, such as a hatred of traffic and a need to herd anything that moves! Unfortunately his family were moving abroad and couldn't take him, so brought him back to us. He isn't thrilled about his return but he's happy to explore and meet new people, which he does very enthusiastically! Star loves to play and will typically bring a ball to you and nudge it with his nose for you to throw again, which is very cute. He is very sensitive to loud noises such as hoovers and hairdryers, and the frequent trains that run alongside the centre aren't doing him any favours. When meeting other dogs, Star doesn't want to interact, but he has walked with others when in the home. His new family will need to be willing to work on reducing his reactivity to other dogs, as our trainers have done
    8 of 10
  2. Ronnie

    Breed: Cocker spaniel
    Age: 8+ years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: No children, no other pets.
    The Dogs Trust says:
    Ronnie is a cheery chap who likes to get his Spaniel nose to the floor and sniff everything. He is a little worried by strangers but with proper introductions and allowing him time, he quickly warms up to people and has settled well into the centre. Ronnie has been returned to us for showing aggression when people step over his bed, so it's imperative that his new family make sure his bed is not somewhere that needs to be stepped over! Ronnie will happily walk with other dogs but does not appreciate them being too close and he will make his feelings clear. He will need to be the only pet at home. He takes his treats very nicely from us but his previous family did tell us that he will beg persistently if you are eating, so best to eat in a different room from him, and allow him space when he's eating his own food. His adopters will need to be committed to ongoing training with him and full support will be given by the team at the centre.
    9 of 10
  3. Meesha

    Breed: Siberian husky
    Age: 8+ years
    Sex: Female
    Requirements: Can live with older children, cats and dogs
    The Dogs Trust says:
    Meesha is a sweet middle aged Husky who gets along well with everyone. She's always excited to see her handlers and enjoys going for walks with her friends. Meesha has previously spent her days in a house with a cat and two other dogs, and as long as they mixed well here at the centre, we would happily rehome her with other pets. That said, she has had an unfortunate incident with a pigeon, so please be careful around wildlife! Meesha loves to be fussed and stroked, but she's a little less comfortable being brushed. Her double coat will need to be brushed daily, so grooming will need to be introduced gradually and in a way that is comfortable for Meesha. She is happy enough to return to her kennel and when her handlers leave her, but we know that Meesha loves company and would greet her previous owner ecstatically when coming home! Meesha is eight years old now and does have some minor pain in her hips and spine. She has begun a pain relief trial and there's a possibility that she may need this for the rest of her life. It doesn't stop her from enjoying her walks or playing with her toys and zoomie-ing about!
    10 of 10