121 Photos To Remind You That Things Can Get Much Much Worse (New Pics)

by · Bored Panda


There are days when the air seems to have a whiff of positivity. You make the bus on time, breeze through the traffic, and excitedly skip to wherever you need to be. And then there are times when your alarm doesn’t go off for some reason, and you scramble to get ready just for a million things to go wrong. The sandwich you went to put in your mouth drops on the ground and the train you hoped to catch was so overcrowded all you could do was watch it take off into the distance. 

But it can always get worse, and people on this list are living proof of that. If you’re having a bad day yourself, scroll down to find comfort in knowing that others have it tougher than you, and don’t forget to share the most unfortunate things that turned your day upside down. 

While you’re at it, be sure to check out a conversation with an expert in positive psychology, Ruth Steggles, who kindly agreed to give us a few tips on how to turn a bad day around.

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On My Way To Start College And My Car Caught Fire With Everything I Own Inside Of It

No one was hurt in the slightest, and I was the only one in the vehicle when it caught fire. Thankfully, I could get everything out of the car before the fire got too bad and we had to back away. The fire department put it out very quickly, so no real damage was caused. Also, a little bit of context: my father was in his car, and I was between him and a truck. I sped up to try and pass the truck and try to close the distance between us. He was guiding me and had some of my things in his car. As I accelerated, I heard a pop, and my car began to slow down, and before I could react, it popped again and entirely died. I threw on my flashers pulled off to the side of the road and began trying to call my dad when the guy in the truck who was in front of me came up and started seeing if I needed help when we noticed the crackling of a fire under my hood. I popped the hood, and we saw the firewall was about to be fully engulfed by flames, so I called 911 while he began pulling all my things out.

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I Guess My Sunscreen Wasn't Water-Resistant



Microwaved A Smucker’s Uncrustable (Premade Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich) For 15 Seconds And Got A 2nd Degree Burn. This Is About 5 Days After It Happened


The most up-to-date statistics show that on average, an American has 4 bad days a month. These add up to 48 days per year that are dedicated to bad moods and unfortunate events. 

However, this seems to be an improvement since 2018, when respondents reported having about 60 bad days a year.

Interestingly, the 2024 Avocado Green Mattress and Talker Research survey has found that Americans can pinpoint the exact time when it’s going to be a tough day. At precisely 8:36 a.m., they can already tell that their day won’t go as planned. 

Not What I Expected On A CT Scan Following A Suspected Gallbladder Attack

It's exactly what it looks like. I'm now terminal at 40 years old. Consider this a PSA: go to the damn doctor when you're in pain. You never know.

Decided To Shave My Head To Give It A Fresh Start, Turns Out I Have A Bald Spot. I’m Female


Just Got My PS5 Recently. Had To Evacuate My House A Few Days Ago Because Of A Tropical Typhoon. This Is What I Came Back After The Storm Has Settled


A quarter of the time, people feel like there’s no way to turn the downright smile upside down. 48% of respondents even admitted to canceling plans or calling out of work to go back to sleep after waking up and sensing a bad day.


The most common causes of a tough day were getting up and feeling sick (35%), followed by poor sleep (31%), and waking up with a headache (29%). Misplacing the keys (26%) and leaving the phone at home (25%) were other top contenders. 

Additional reasons for things going south included running out of toilet paper, forgetting the wallet at home, sleeping through the alarm, and forgetting to charge the phone the night before.

Bedroom Ceiling Collapsed


I Slipped In The Shower And Went Face-First Into The Knobs. Now My Lips Look Like This



What, No Tie-Down? This Happened Not Even 50 Yards Later


The survey further revealed that unfortunate events were most likely to strike at the start of the week. 60% of respondents said that Mondays had the highest chance of going into a downright spiral. Work schedules and the back-to-school season were some of the most common contributing factors. 

To prevent bad days from occurring, respondents try to find time for themselves each day to relax (41%), make time for things they enjoy (37%), and ensure they are well-rested (35%). In fact, 71% of respondents said that sleep can make or break their day, and having enough of it can help to deal with things that may go wrong during it.


My Legs After Mowing My Lawn While It Was Still Wet


Took Out My Earbuds And The Tip Said "No Thanks, I'm Good"


Thought One Of The Bulbs Burned Out In The Backyard


But even if a bad day is unpreventable, there are ways to turn it around. Ruth Steggles, an expert in positive psychology, suggests stopping and noticing what’s going on around you. “Identifying what is actually upsetting you then allows you to address the root cause. If it is something you can't change, look for some small thing you can change.”

Took The Wife Out Of Rehab For A Walk Through The City. She Was Making A Selfie And Lost Her Grip On Her Crutch. It’s Still There... Impossible To Retrieve


Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Carwash


Guy Found A Novel Way To Break Into My Store


She recommends having a list of things that a person enjoys doing so they can go back to it when going through a rough patch. Like reading a book, taking a bath, dancing around in the kitchen, or going for a walk. “It is helpful to know your feel-good tool kit,” she says. 


Was So Looking Forward To Making A Pie


Ex And I Broke Up And Both Moved Out. When I Came Back To Check If Her Stuff Was Out, I Found This. Now I'm Being Charged $3k In Damages Because Nobody Can Get Ahold Of Her


My Fiancé And I Bought Our First Home A Month Ago. Not Living In The Place Yet, But Today We Found Our Front Window Shattered


Putting on some tunes may be the most simple remedy to a bad day. Listening to favorite songs can help a person to wind down and take their mind off of things for a while. “A music playlist that gradually moves from uncomfortable emotions to comfortable ones can be a healthy coping strategy and facilitate a positive mood change,” says board-certified music therapist Megan Hoffer. 

Came To My Car Window Smashed This Morning. I Don't Know Any Tomas And I'm Not In Debt To Anyone


Someone Reversed Their Boat Trailer Into My Rental


Rearranging Fridge, Watermelon Rolled Out. I Ignored Thinking I'd Grab It In A Second. It Continued To Roll Down The Nearby Staircase


When things go south, it might feel instinctive to get away from people. However, research suggests doing the opposite and reaching out to others, especially those who are happy and supportive of us. A friendly conversation, even a short one, can change our mood, lower blood pressure, and make us feel good. 


Facade Wall Contractors Used A Drill Too Long For The Job


A Sea Lion Took A Bite Out Of My Salmon While It Was Being Reeled In


My Entire Neighborhood Is Submerged In Flood Water With Raw Sewage In It


Those who want to help out someone whose day isn’t going as anticipated should acknowledge their feelings but avoid reinforcing them or leaving them be, says Steggles. Therefore, she suggests telling them, "I am sorry you are feeling that way. What will you do to cheer yourself up?" or “I am sorry you feel that way? Is there anything we can do together to help you feel differently?"

Flashback To When My Dog Chewed A Hamster-Sized Hole In The Drywall. The Last Photo Is Him With The Drywall Dust On His Nose Caught Red-Handed


Water In My Parents' Garage From Hurricane Helene. It's Going To Get Worse. Luckily, The Entire First Floor Of Their House Is A Garage. It Was About 10 Inches When This Was Taken


The Store Manager Was Furious At Me (The Customer)

Chrisp720 , Chrisp720

“I recommend that you say "you feel" because it isn't the day that is bad, but their perception of their experience makes it so. I also always try to empower the other person to be responsible for changing things. Taking over and doing things for them may diminish them and make them feel worse,” Steggles explains. 

Microwave's Door Blew Up. House Was Built One Year Ago


Got Rudely Awaken By The Sound Of Everything In My Kitchen Cupboards Crashing To The Floor




Lastly, she concludes by saying, “Mindfulness is the key to not being dragged into the drama of a bad day. It involves identifying the problem, noticing how you feel, and then choosing what you want to do. If that is what you want, there is nothing wrong with having a bad day.”

My Tooth Fell Out. It’s Been Loose For A While


My Mom Left Her Car For 2 Months, Came Back To It Covered In Mold


Saw This Work Of Art Parked Today, I Think The Cheater Was Found


New House, New Stupid Expenses


This Dental Estimate My Partner Received Was Just To Make Him Pain-Free. This Is After Insurance Too. The Dental Industry Is Absolutely Insane


The Semi Truck Got Nailed By A Freight Train. My House Is On The Other Side Of Those Train Tracks


Someone Threw A Brick Off An Overpass. I Was The Lucky Winner


Glass Jar Split When Opening Sauce For The Wife


I Didn’t Think The Suction Cups Were That Strong On My Forehead. I Have Work Today


I Am 46. How Bad Must I Look To People?


Let’s Get A Roomba They Said, You Will Have Less Cleaning They Said


Fell Through The Ceiling Today. My Heel Did Make A Near-Perfect Circle On The Ground When I Landed On It, Though


I Tried To Enter My Car, And This Happened


2 Hours Into A 7-Hour Road Trip


Well, I Managed To Go Four Years Without Getting COVID, And I Got It Right Before A Trip


I Had This Car For 3 Months. Now I Have A Back Injury And No Car


Was Using A Sieve For Wheat Flour To Make Chapati (Flat Bread) For Myself And Found Out It Was Full Of These Insects


Saw This After Hearing The Loudest Scream Of My Life

I was working and heard someone screaming at the top of his lungs. Went to the bathroom and saw this. The poor guy was taking a dump when this happened.

Just Opened My AirPods Case To Realize They're Still In Italy


The Whole Kitchen Sink Just Fell Out Of The Counter


My Wisdom Toot. You’d Think It Would Be Wise Enough To Not Do This Type Of Stuff


Apparently I’ve Been Breathing In Copious Amounts Of Black Mold Spores For The Past 6 Months


Here’s The View From My Front Door, I Would Like To Note That It’s Not Even 4 PM And This Is How Dark It Is Because Of The Fires Nearby My Town


Been Drinking From This Water Glass For A Few Days And Just Realized There’s Mold Growing In It

Before everyone asks, I cleaned it a few days ago in the dishwasher. I’ll be handwashing it from now on.

Toxic Ex Cut My Expensive Gaming Monitor Ports


Unemployed And Doing Job Interviews. Thought I’d Wax My Eyebrows To Look Put-Together


A Slight Misunderstanding At The Bakery


Diaper Got Mixed With Laundry And Went Into Washing Machine. Everything Is Covered In Absorbent Hydro Gel


My Mom Broke My Laptop Today, Doesn't Give A Damn


Bought My First Car, Got Hit Within Less Than 12 Hours


Found Out The Hard Way That Apparently I'm Very Allergic To Fire Ants

Was getting the mail without shoes on, felt a sting, and immediately swatted it off. Fast forward 5 minutes later, and I'm completely naked in my house, scratching like I've never scratched before. Then I noticed my palms and fingertips were now blue, followed by hives from the top of my neck down to my toes.

I Dropped My Spaghetti On My Bed


Hung My Shirt Out To Dry, But The Wind Took It


My Neighbors' Tree Fell Onto My 4-Month-Old 2024 Toyota And My House In A Storm This Weekend


Let's Go On A Hike, They Said. It Will Be Fun, They Said


A Severe Storm Ripped Through The Enchanted Fairy Festival In Central Pennsylvania, Destroying Vendor Tents And Causing Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars In Damage


The Paint Store Guy Didn't Close The Can Properly

Bought a car one week ago. Picked up paint while on vacation to paint my mom's house. A teenager working at a paint store didn't close the can properly. That's 1 gallon of slightly greenish-gray wall paint on the floor of my new car. 

Not exactly What I Meant When I Asked To Put A Trampoline Inside For Our Son

Storm ripped the rope holding down my neighbor’s trampoline. The safety net pole went through our bedroom wall and into our TV.

I Had One Sip. The Lid Wasn’t Screwed On


Apparently The Onewheel Low Battery Alarm Should Be Taken Seriously


My Car Randomly Caught Fire In The Coffee Shop's Parking Lot. It Is A 20-Year-Old Car, So She Had A Good Run, But She Was Working Fine


I Came Back From Vacation, And Ants Built Their Colony In My Laptop. Those Crumbs Were All Eggs, And The Inside Of The Laptop Was Full Of Them. The Computer Wouldn’t Turn On


You Gotta Be Kidding Me. Finally Caved And Paid For An Oil Change Because I Hurt My Back. Expected The Worst. Was Not Disappointed


After Two Years Of Living In My House, I Came Home To Learn My Mantelpiece Was Just Glued On


Dropped Off My Car To Get My Brakes Changed. Got These Pictures Texted To Me Instead

Apparently, the shop hand didn't know how an electronic e-brake works. Said he parked it in front of the shop, and when he came back out to pull it into the bay, he found it across the parking lot embedded into a wall.

Well That's Unfortunate


Bought A New Processor But It Looks Like The Amazon Employee Beat Me To It


We Grew A Half Acre Of Carrots That All Turned Out Like This (15,000 Lbs)


Got Woken Up, Naked In My Bed, By Four Police Officers Executing A Search Warrant For Someone Who Hasn’t Lived At My Address In Years


My Alarm Somehow Failed To Go Off And It Cost Me My Job


Neighbors' Kids Broke Window In My Brand-New House


Had A Visit From An Armed Response Unit This Afternoon Because I Went To The Shop With My Umbrella On My Back


My Protein Shake Exploded. Over 300 Dollars Worth Of Stuff Was Destroyed


Learned My 5-Year-Old Car Never Had Airbags Installed. Seatbelt Saved My Life In 60 Mph Sudden Hit


Drunk Throws A Fit Over My Mother, IDing Him, And Comes Back With A Rock In Hand


Please Don't Bury Your Pet In A Plastic Storage Bin. Someone (Me) Might Accidentally Dig It Up One Day


My Stove/Oven Broke And The Display Doesn’t Even Say The Time Anymore


Couldn’t Hit 88 Mph As The Storm Hit


Can’t Get Back Inside Because She Threw A Hissy Fit And Opened The Stove Bottom Drawer, Which Is Keeping The Door From Opening


Tire Blowout. I'm Still Not Entirely Sure How This Happened, But My Silencer Came Loose And Got Into My Right Rear Wheel


Happy Friday, Everyone! This Is Exactly How I Wanted To Start My Weekend


Reports That The Fridge Was Emptied Before Our 3-Month Trip Were Greatly Exaggerated


Opened The Cabinet In Our Bathroom. The Nail Polish Bottle Decided To Ruin The Day


My Mortgage Payment Went Up $731/Month Due To Property Tax And Insurance Increases. I Have Never Even Filed An Insurance Claim


Neighbor's House Got Struck By Lightning Twice, Two Days After They Closed On It. They Had To Gut The Whole Top Floor Because Of Rain And Electrical Damage


Went To A Wake For A Family Member Today. There Was Only One Other Person There

He was a much loved member of the family but for a variety of reasons no one else attended. That includes his sister and brother and one of his two daughters who lives not far from the venue.

My Brother Went Outside This Evening And Saw This. Yes, They’re Maggots


This Was Not How I Expected To Spend My Wednesday


Came Back From Walking My Dog To Find This


Someone Parked Their Car In Front Of My Garage


Oh Well, Just Five Dates. Still Hurts


No, I'm Not Pregnant. Thinking It's Time I Schedule A Colonoscopy Or Something. If I Even So Much As Look At Gluten, This Happens


Two Weeks! She Hasn't Bothered The Wax Warmer For Two Weeks


Reminder To Always Clean The Filter


What I Ordered vs. The Funeral Flowers That Were Delivered For My Mother-In-Law's Funeral


Put My Laptop Back Together And Pushed Too Hard On The Screw From The Bottom


I Fell This Morning

I work as the emergency manager for a hospital in New Orleans, and we’re currently bracing for Hurricane Francine to touch down as a category 2. I had to report to the hospital early this morning when I fell down the stairs at my house.
The pain is radiating through my knee up to my groin. I was hopping around first and moved to crutches before the physician in the virtual visit told me he wanted me in a wheelchair until we could get X-rays. Thankfully, I just found out it’s only sprained, but they’re putting me in a boot, and I’ll be on crutches for the next couple of weeks before getting into physical therapy. 

This Stink Bug Is In Between The Glass Of The Microwave. Not On The Outside, Not On The Inside. In Between. No Clue What To Do


I Feel Sorry For This Person


The Watermelon I Spent All Spring/Summer Growing


The Coffee Dispenser Gave Me A Coffee Full Of Ants. Extra Protein, I Guess


Someone Drilled Through My Gas Tank


My Wife Bought A Dress For A Wedding Tomorrow, And Only Now Noticed The Cashier Did Not Remove The Security Tag


Haven’t Had Oysters In Years. Finally Decided To Buy Some, And They’re All Spawning Oysters


This Has Been My Bed For The Past Two Nights. My Kid Has Been In The Hospital For Three Days, And I've Been Sleeping On A Sheet On The Floor Of The Emergency Room


I Fell Asleep After Being On Call At The Hospital And Crashed Into A Tree Near A Business. I Was Like 1/2 Mile Away From My Home


I Thought My Friend Was Reaching Out Or Was Interested In Talking To Me


Felt Something Odd While Eating. Then This Fell Into My Food. This Is The Majority Of A Dental Implant That I Got About 8 Years Ago. Looks Like My Week Will Start With A Visit To The Dentist


Ordered Radishes For A Dish For Dinner... Supermarket Sent These Instead


The Only Pepper From My Garden After 5 Months


My Mom Sold A Lot Of Items She Gifted Me Years Ago Because She Was In Debt. She Didn't Tell Me




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