“I Ruined His Life”: 59 People Confess To The Most Morally Questionable Things They’ve Done

by · Bored Panda


Look, nobody’s perfect. We’re all human beings, and we all make mistakes. (Some more than others!) But whether you believe in objective morality or think that norms are all a byproduct of the society we live in, you can’t deny that some behaviors are a bit iffy and fall into a very gray area.

These are behaviors that you might be so scared of being judged on that you’d never admit to them aloud… unless you were protected by anonymity. Case in point, some members of the popular r/AskReddit community opened up about the most morally questionable things that they’d ever done. Read on for their candid stories.

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I had a d**g addict uncle who kept getting let out of jail. He was trying to rob granny's house. I told him I had a one-time job that was six hours away. I drove six hours away stopped at gas station and gave him fifty bucks to go get snacks. Then I drove off and left him.dankguard1 , Kaboompics.com

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I wrote somebody’s masters thesis for money once. Some poor employer hired that guy who knows very little about anything. I wouldn’t do something like that again, but at that time in my life I felt like I needed the cash.GaiusSallustius , Mikhail Nilov
I don't have a problem admitting it in real life because the statute of limitations has long-since expired, but..

My boss at a PC repair shop emptied the payroll account to buy himself a brand new BMW, so all of his employees quit. But I decided that if he wasn't willing to pay me in money he damned sure was going to pay me in inventory, so I walked out with enough parts to build me a new PC (somewhat more than my paycheck would've been, but PC parts don't pay the rent so I charged a 'conversion fee'.).libra00 , ThisIsEngineering


Moral behavior is something that is accepted to be right in the society you live in. So, somebody who’s said to possess a good moral compass knows the difference between right and wrong and strives to do good things. What you decide to do when presented with a dilemma will reveal tomes about your character, values, and motivations.

Of course, as we’ve probably all experienced, life isn’t as simple as what you can see in movies or read in books. Telling good from evil can be very hard when there are so many complex motivations working against each other. To oversimplify things, you have to weigh what’s good for you personally versus what’s best for your social circle versus what society finds useful versus what the world needs.

Was working in a warehouse as an order filler. Was all the way in the back of a freezer when I suddenly became very sick to my stomach. I raced as fast as I could to the nearest bathroom but before I could get all my layers of clothing off it was too late. I was a mess. I went to my supervisor and tried to gently convey what was going on. His words were “just clean up and get back to work”. He said this multiple times as I tried to explain why that wasn’t an option. Was told I would receive points for leaving. I got so pissed off at the situation that I took all my soiled clothing, locked it in my locker with a personal lock and never went back.

To who ever had to clean that mess, I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. And to my old supervisor, you suck.Charlie4774 , Tiger Lily


In my early twenties, our apartment got burglarized. Most of what they took wasn't very valuable, but I had two silver pocket watches I inherited from my grandpa, that probably would have fetched $3000 combined.

The problem was that my renters insurance policy limited jewelry losses to $1000.

Conveniently, my roommate had lost a really expensive 35mm camera and his insurance policy only covered $1000 for it. He also worked at a computer store.

So I gave him documentation on one of the pocket watches, and he gave me a backdated fake receipt for a computer.

We were both able to adjust our claims and get extra money out of our insurance companies to help with our losses.

Thank god we used different insurance companies at the time!Sarcastic_Backpack , Lukas Hartmann
When I was 10, I sat next to a boy in class who was stinky and unkempt. His clothes were musty, he had a lot of dandruff and almost daily he had a boiled egg sandwich. One day I had a bit of an upset stomach and I let off a fart in class. Silent but deadly. When it hit everyone and they smelt it, they assumed it was this boy and started to move away. I moved away with them and pretended it had been him. He knew it was me and I knew he knew and I never apologised or corrected the record.Striking_Skirt6810 , Yan Krukau


You could apply that framework of your versus others' needs to every single small decision that you make, but you’d probably end up overwhelmed and burned out. So, it helps to have general moral guidelines and frameworks to follow. These can be religious, cultural, legal, ideological, etc., with their own nuances, dogmas, and inconsistencies. One of the deepest literary ironies is that antagonists in stories strive to do good, as they understand it. However, their perception and vision clashes with that of the society around them.

Someone who is said to be immoral also knows the difference between right and wrong, as per Writer’s Digest. However, unlike a moral individual, the immoral person will choose to do the wrong thing, regardless. In short, they’re aware that their behavior goes against cultural norms and the understanding of what’s good. For example, someone who knows that lying is wrong but decides to lie anyway to improve their situation is acting immorally.

I told my grandmother that I needed $300 for an abortion, but in reality, I wanted it for h*roin. She gave it to me, and never said another word about it. That was 20 years ago. I've been clean for two years now, and I think about that lie every single day. I'll never forgive myself.satanicpanic6 , Kaboompics.com


I had a professor in college that I despised. He despised me as well. He was a hateful angry old codger. I was a dumb*ss college kid.

One night my friend and I dressed up in all black (because that’s not suspicious) and snuck up to his vehicle, putting little bbs in each one of his tires’ intake valves and recapping them. The next morning, sure enough, he had four flat tires. Thank goodness this was in 2004 or so. Otherwise, some doorbell camera would have definitely caught our tomfoolery.bluehangover , Denny Müller


Wiped the hard drive on the work desktop. Every tool, spreadsheet, database and how-to guide required to do the job just gone in a blink.

I literally wrote the book on how to do that job and how the training is delivered and systems implemented across the entire company, most of which I had to do in my own time as it was seen as a “waste of time”. I effectively automated processes that took hours to do manually and brought efficiency from 13% to 98%. And yet when the time came to give me the promotion they promised, they brought in someone new to the company and said that I had to train them.

Pulled the plug on the operation and handed in my notice. The department folded less than 3 months after I left as no one knew what they were doing and had no backup or go-to help anymore.

A little corporate espionage but f**k ‘em.Shas_Erra , Alena Darmel


Meanwhile, an amoral individual is someone who operates outside the confines of morality. They do not understand the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong, and they don’t care about these concepts at all.

The easiest comparison to make would be to say that robots or natural disasters are amoral. The former do what they’re programmed to do. The latter are simply part of the natural world.

When I was in high school, I dated a boy who was horribly abusive, and ended up cheating on me with my best friend the night before my senior prom. Also found out he had been cheating on me pretty much the whole time via the “meet me” app. I obviously dumped him. A few months later I found out he was already dating another girl, so I created an account on meet me, and proceeded to pretend to be someone else for multiple months, get him to virtually cheat on his girlfriend at the time, and send her all of the evidence using a fake social media account. Sorry girl:/ he would’ve done it anyway:/.not__a__librarian , Kaboompics.com


This probably isn’t technically the worst I’ve done but I stole some of my stepmother’s son’s stuff after he died from cancer and pawned it so I could get high. I’ve been sober for 5 years now and I still don’t feel too good about that.BillHart1214 , Tima Miroshnichenko
Cyberbullied my bullies to the point that one of them had to change school. I was just a 14-year old boy having my sweet revenge.Affectionate_Sea_984 , Andrea Piacquadio

If you feel like you’d like to be a bit vulnerable, dear Pandas, feel free to share in the comments the most morally dubious things you’ve ever done.

What are some of the biggest moral dilemmas that you’ve personally found yourselves in? Why did you decide to do what you did? Have you ever had to atone for something that you deeply regretted? We’d like to hear about what you’ve been through.


In college I carried on a 2 year affair with a married woman twice my age. I knew going into it she was married but I kept telling myself “it’s not my marriage” so I didn’t care. I’ve never admitted it out loud though to my social circle because I know they would see me a little differently as I’ve always been seen as the “moral compass” of the group.FA-TH-UR-6000 , Katie Salerno
I deleted the files to a project I had spent the last year working on when I found out that I was going to get let go at the end of the project. Basically, they had hired me to do this project and planned to fire me when they no longer needed me (not that I was actually told this at the time of my hiring).

Soo yeah. When I got word from other office staff that I was to be let go, I took my company laptop home, and I wiped everything. When they fired me the next day, little did they know, all of that work was gone. They had just the bare bones of the project and had to have someone else completely rebuild it in autocad.

F**k em.EntertainmentLost400 , olia danilevich


Mother in law is horrible. She’s also super paranoid about people “getting her information” like her email and phone number. She thinks they can steal her identity super easily with those two things. She pissed me off yesterday so I signed her email up for Trump's website and his newsletter and to get information on Scientology and a few conspiracy sites she panicked when she got the emails, thinking they were trying to “get” her. I just shrugged and said well places can sell your information, nothing to be done but she’s been freaking out and I find it hilarious.InstantElla , Andrea Piacquadio
When i was 12 i was involved in a fight with my cousin, he ended up torn cloths and a chip on his teeth, convinced him to blame it on some street kids in the neighbourhood.NotInsured , cottonbro studio
I was a math tutor in college that got paid minimum wage working out of their math lab. Students would come in for help on their homework. This elderly woman taking an entry-level math course would come in often for help and she seemed like a nice enough lady. But she was falling extremely behind on her homework and the semester was almost over. So she asked me if I would do it all for her for a couple hundred bucks. That kinda money back then was huge for me, so I took her up on her offer.Normastro , Unique Digitals


About 15 years ago I remodeled my kitchen. Got all new Samsung appliances. At the time Samsung had a promotion that gave you a free flatscreen TV with new appliances. Filled out the offer and was sent a coupon code and went to the samsung website to get my TV.

Added the TV to the cart, and noticed when I applied the coupon code. It changed the unit price of the TV to $0.00 instead of adding the $300 credit to the order.

Honestly I didn't even really need the first TV, but I had to know did they really screw up that coupon that bad? So edited the cart to add a few more TV's and checked out. The answer was yes they really did implement the coupon that bad.zerj , Kārlis Dambrāns
Boomer Karen came into the Subway I was working at, being a rude c**t to me for no damn reason.. well turns out she was alone in the store. As it works out I have chronic post nasal drip, so it's extremely easy for me to form a loogie.

I got a huge one and the second she turned her head I dropped it in her tuna sammich, yes I remember that it was tuna because this is the ONLY TIME I have ever f****d with anyone's food. Covered it with the bit of dressing she asked for, and the look of her walking out that door with her tunoogie Sub in her bag brought a tear of joy to my eye.

I'm not gonna defend my actions, just everyone reading this should keep in mind, be kind to people who are handling your food, even if they're in plain sight, it only takes one second for them to do something to your food and give it to you with a smile.Here_to_Annoy-U , Lobotomite430


Had a 6 month affair with a married woman. We all lived in the same house. Their marriage was done, and she found being with me helpful in getting out of it, but still...pretty f*****g questionable and I'd make different choices 10 years on.seemenakeditsfree , Edward Eyer
I had a programming class in high school and I wasn't very good at it and realized part way through the final exam that I couldn't do it. Once you're done your test you were supposed to save to a folder that you could save to but not see what's inside of, but since the file name had a very strict format I was able to open a file from a kid I knew would ace the test, so I opened it, changed the name on it and some other things and submitted it. I never got caught but since I exploited a loophole on the computer I feel like I still sort of earned it.gargoyle30 , Михаил Крамор


My ex husband was a serial cheater. I stayed faithful for so long, tried marriage counseling multiple times, did anything and everything to please him. The last time I caught him cheating something snapped. I felt nothing for him except pure hate. So I decided to start cheating as well. Only, I didn’t chose randoms. Over the course of a year I slept with every single one of his close friends.

I thought about telling him when we finally ended things. The look on his face would have given me so much satisfaction. However I kept it to myself. Now seeing him still hanging out with the very men who were so willing to sleep with his wife is all the satisfaction I need.Human-Part5144 , Ketut Subiyanto
I got laid off in 2009 and couldn't find work for almost 2 years. Found a job in the industry I loved (motorcycles) and they took advantage of my obvious desperation. Came in as an operations coordinator at $11/hr after 4 yrs working as a business analyst, directly under a VP at Citrix.

Worked my a*s off and, within 6 mo, was doing the job of an operations manager/analyst. I developed/supported the backbone of nearly every department's analytics. My manager didn't like me b/c she saw me as a threat to her job. Her boss's boss, the COO, knew the value I offered for practically nothing. So, being the good executive leader she was, blocked every attempt at promotions or department transfer opportunity that came my way - IT, marketing, and HR all made attempts to create jobs for me after seeing the quality/value of my work in projects I did for them.

After 18 months, and threats to quit, I was up to $40k/yr. Less than half of what the HR team's market analysis calculated my pay should be based on our location and my role, scope, and responsibilities. (I know about it because the HR director *showed it to me* after I'd started working with them extensively on their departmental analytics and had developed a very close relationship. She then mentioned that the COO told her, "So what? He makes what he makes" after HR informed the COO I was making a fraction of my fair market value) By this point, my self confidence had started to reestablish itself and my resentment of my department, boss, and COO had festered into a roiling fire.

Then I did a favor for the warehouse manager. I built an Excel/Access time and attendance tool since the one we'd been using didn't work well for warehouse staff. It was super accurate, handle OT and respected the big labor laws around lunch requirements. In vetting the accuracy I found that the company was applying CA law to stores in every state. I saved the company $75k/year when I called it out. In an attempt to get to my HR-established market rate, I asked for a bonus/pay increase for having saved them 2x my salary... per year. Their reply, "Saving the company money is part of your job. If you ask for a raise again you'll be written up and possibly fired"

I'd had enough. I found another, much better job at a niche distributor in the industry and, on my way out, contacted the DOL and informed them (with receipts) of:

* Severe wage theft by the company.
* Employer intimidation and retaliation against whistle blowing
* Wage/job discrimination against several employees and myself

The company was forced to pay ~$2million in back pay and $3million in fines.

Morally, nothing wrong with what I did above... the morally questionable part is meticulously breaking all automation I'd created 3.5months before I left. ALL of the (now business critical) reporting I'd built was hard-coded. No formulas. When they asked me to train someone to take over, I said no problem... trained him to do it manually, which took 20-30hrs/week vs 1-2.

A few months later the HR director let me know my job was posted again. At $95-110k/year. I notified the DOL and shared all the documents of my responsibility/market adjustment requests, the HR job analysis, and an email comment from the COO that she didn't feel I was worth market rate since I have only 1-arm. I never saw a cent but the company was, again, fined substantially and the COO was immediately fired.

F**k you, Tracy.CG_Ops , cottonbro studio


Third grade in the 80’s the teacher found a playboy centerfold a few of us had been passing around. We all blamed a kid that never saw it. He got paddled 7 times in the hallway outside. Screaming and begging like he was being m*rdered. Half the school could hear. Wherever you are Stephen, I’m sorry.aram1d , Keira Burton
When I was a young and new driver, a car in front of me kept swerving to keep me from passing them, when I was finally able to fly past them I threw my drink at them. Unfortunately, their window was open and my drink soared right in. Unfortunately, it was an elderly woman. She didn’t wreck or anything but god damn I have felt bad for that ever since.Delta_hostile , Erik Mclean
Blackmailed my former boss after I was let go. He was stealing wages from his workers, myself included, but I never told any of my former co-workers because I hated them all. He paid me all my back pay and overtime he had skimmed on the promise that I wouldn't tell anyone else at the company.insanelyphat , Craig Adderley


When I was around 8-10, I was riding my bike with friends. We stopped at an apartment building (4-5 floors) to wait for one of our friends.

My friends started talking about a girl, about how much they dislike her. I had no idea who they were talking about, but didn’t want to be “left out” so I joined, and started saying mean things, like how stinky she was, and how ugly, and I think I even called her a pig, or something like that.

I was saying all that very loud (basically shouting), to make sure I’m louder than everyone else, so my friends would hear me and laugh (and they did…).

Well, it turned out we were waiting for my friend under that girl’s window, like exactly under it. The window was on the second floor, but it was hot outside so it was open.

Needless to say, the girl heard everything… her mom had to come down and send us away because she was crying so hard.

I wish I could go back and beat my stupid 8-year-old self.g0atdude , Kaboompics.com


When I was in university – I told a professor that the class WhatsApp chat was making fun of her pictures, because I cared about her and she was my favourite teacher and I didn’t want her to go through that. She ended up telling the Dean of the university, and it turned into a huge investigation – several people were given black points on their university records, some weren’t allowed to change subjects or courses – and some had to drop out. People thought it was this one girl at the university who did that – but I didn’t have the heart to correct people, or redirect them to something/someone else and I watched her get ostracised and completely ignored for the rest of the university term because of my actions.Belladonna247 , Stanley Morales
I worked for a charity with an a*****e manager who was both too immature and too inexperienced to actually run things as they should be. When things didn't go his way he'd get passive aggressive, act like a child and blame everyone else for not reading his mind.

There are many times I could have snapped, like him sending me a voice note complaining about things that aren't my job and got my husband so riled up he wanted to break the guys legs for example.

But what really did it was when I stopped doing work that wasn't my responsibility or under the umbrella of my position and he threw my a*s under the bus because he got torn a new one by his boss because the work wasn't done.

Not only did I write a *very* lengthy email detailing every infraction, blatant disregard for the rules and times he broke the law.

I signed his a*s up for not only Scientology but a JW group. With his personal email because his dumb a*s left it signed into a work computer and the devil in me knew I'd need it some day.Blobfish_Blues , Buro Millennial


One night stand with the landlady, up outside her own pub, while her husband kept serving the beer inside. Then going inside for a drink.OriginalStockingfan , Satoshi Hirayama

I put an old boss's number on public bathroom stalls.
I found a wallet on the ground and took the cash inside as payment (around $100), then I went to the post office and handed it in to be mailed back to the address. There were IDs, credit cards, Social Security cards, and a Covid card inside. I don’t feel too bad about it honestly. Can always make more cash 🤷🏽‍♀️.
D**gged my step dad when I was 14 with ambien in his drink because my nana told me to. He was a violent man but when I say he slept for 2.5 days I mean it.
In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max’s toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog…When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I went nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out…But the worst thing I ever done — I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa — and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.
My friend confided in me that her dad was SAing her. She cried and begged me not to tell anyone. I was scared, sad, and wanted her to trust me with this big secret so I didn't tell anybody. A year later her dad got caught (no idea the circumstances), and he was arrested and sent to prison for a long time. I feel so bad about it. If only I had told somebody, told my parents, told a police officer or SOMETHING, I could've saved her from another year of torture. I can't bring myself to talk to anybody about it. I don't know how to forgive myself for that.
Back when I was 14 and in school, I was the altar boy. Teachers’ favorite pupil. Everyone thought I could do nothing wrong. One day, while fooling around with friends, I drew an erotic art and left it under the desk. A teacher found it and escorted me to the principal. Out of fear of them calling my parents (my parents were strict af back then), I lied to the principal that it was my friend to do it. Of course, they believed me since I could do nothing wrong. Poor chap’s parents got called to the school and he received a severe scolding even when he was saying it wasn’t him, but me. Despite the ordeal, we still remained very good friends till we went to college and we lost contact after that. Hey friend, I’m sorry for throwing you under the bus for a mistake I made. I hope you can forgive me.
When I was in my early teens, my brother and I were shooting airsoft guns in our backyard. We saw a lizard start crawling up the side of the house and he bet me that I couldn't hit it. Brotherly rivalry blinded me and I went for it.

I was able to hit it first try (figured I'd miss since it was about 20 meters away), killed it instantly. I walked up to it and felt instant regret...18 years later I still feel remorse killing that lizard.

Sorry lizard...I'm torturing myself emotionally in repentance 18 years later...
When I was a kid I had a screened-in back porch I hung out on. Just outside this screen, I had a trampoline. One day, I was sitting on the porch reading and saw that a frog was hanging out in the middle of the trampoline. I then noticed that a little 4 foot snake was working itself up one of the trampoline legs and just as it succeeded in getting to the top, the frog realized the danger and hopped off the trampoline onto the screen mesh in front of me. The snake followed and got close, clearly desperate for a meal. Being the little 8 year old s**t I was, I simply flicked the frogs belly thru the screen and the snake caught the flying frog mid-air and began swallowing it. The frog (maybe a toad??) swelled up with air and then proceeded to let out a morbid whistle-like shriek as it was slowly swallowed. I’ll never forget that sound.
I used to work for a network of hospitals on the financial side. Due to some internal screwup, a lot of calls ended up getting forwarded to me that shouldn't have. Things from patients calling to schedule appointments to important legal issues. For months I continually raised the issue of my personal cell phone getting forwarded a lot of important calls. The issue was never resolved.

Anyways a few months after the call forwarding thing started, the company decided to terminate my employment. We had a difference of opinion, I didn't like working 6 days a week and the company thought I should be working 7. However the calls never stopped getting forwarded to my phone.

Due to the unhappy breakup, I started just blocking all the calls getting forwarded to me and I never bothered to respond to a single voicemail or call I received. Additionally I got some pretty important legal calls that if not responded to in a timely matter would cost the company significantly. I never forwarded on or explained anything to anyone and I deleted the voicemails and moved on.

I know eventually stuff probably got figured out, but they had months to figure out their call issues and never did. Hopefully them facing legal blowback got them to fix things.
I f****d a woman I wasn't even attracted to who my best friend had strong romantic feelings for for no other reason than I was drunk and depressed and thought "maybe a little s*x will give me a morsel of a dopamine hit." It didn't. I woke up the next morning (IN THE SAME HOUSE as my friend was in, the three of us had been hanging out and drinking together late into the night) and I was so drunk that when I woke up in bed with this girl, I thought to myself "Oh s**t I better get out of this bed or he's gonna hate me" but then I'm like "you know what, f**k it?" I went back to sleep and of course my friend woke up next and realized I was in bed with her.

This is a friend who's been with me since I was 6 years old. It was the most pointlessly selfish thing I've ever done in my life. It's the equivalent of stabbing someone to rob them of 2 dollars, I gained basically nothing from it. I still hate myself for it 11 years later. And fun fact: That happened a whole year BEFORE my rock bottom of depression and junkie behavior.
When I was about 11 or 12 my parents let me have a slingshot (I’m pretty sure they gave it to me but it’s been 25 years so maybe not). I used to live by the woods and we had all sorts of animals in the yard. One time I wanted to see what it would really do if it hit one. I took a rock, and I shot it from maybe 7-8 feet away a bird sitting in its nest in a tree. I hit it square in the head. It fell out of the nest and hit the ground dead. Same as the story above, I felt immediate remorse, beyond that, when I looked into the nest there were three eggs. Not knowing what to do, and in fear that my parents would punish me severely, I never told anyone. I went back to the nest each day to check the eggs, they never hatched. I thought the remorse I felt from killing the mother was bad. It wasn’t until I was a little more removed from the event that I started to feel the real shame of not owning up to what I had done and maybe saved the babies somehow.

I still think about it 25 or so years later. Now I value all life, I won’t let my spouse kill spiders, and I always try and speak up for the defenseless. I also own my actions and try to always be accountable for their impacts. It was a tough life lesson but I am proud of the person it made me into.
As a kid I kept some anole lizards in a jar for like a day or two and my cousin convinced me to dissect them. I still haven’t recovered from doing this. Peer-pressure as a kid sucks.
Had an abortion.

Other than that I also put Lego in my Manager's coffee when I loaned him money and he didn't pay it back.
I once scared an entire group of people with just a penny above the doorframe to their hall.

I observed how many would notice and more who saw it got scared because they thought it meant some ominous thing.

It got so bad they turned around and walked around to the other side.
Me and this girl spent a lot of time together while both of us were homeless. We were pretty destitute but we were getting by. I'd stay at a friends house, she'd do the same, and then during the day we'd hang out, apply for jobs, do our college homework. One day we stayed late on the beach and passed out at some point. When we awoke it was 1:00AM and we were completely alone. We made our way up to the concessions area in the parking lot from the beach, and my friend on a chance, slid the window open of the concessions building. We were hungry, so both of us climbed through the window to get some drinks and some ice-cream. She opened the freezer and went "DARB!" and pulled out a green deposit bag containing $200 in cash. Needless to say we stole the money, and lots of snacks.

It's something I regret, but the money did get me a haircut, and I got a job not long afterwards.
I got a superiour fired at a job once because he refused to train me (because he held key knowledge and didn't want anyone to threaten his position).

He was a creeper and all I had to do was spin a tale about how much it upset me and he was gone.

I didn't make anything up, but I definitely played up how much it affected me.
Had a boss that I used to get along with before she got promoted. After that she was a whole different person, just very mean for no reason. I put in an one week's notice and she started to sabotage my work. So I stepped out one day, called the anonymous s*xual harassment hotline stating she was flirting with all the men on the floor (which she was) and it made me uncomfortable (it wasn't, I didn't care that much) and it nearly put one of my coworkers in danger (which it did). I walked out that day and never came back. A week later I hear all managers have to go through mandatory se*ual harassment training and had to have their certificate framed and in display for the whole floor to see. It felt so good, but I probably didn't need to do all that lol.
I ate a baby toad once.
I love frogs and when I was little I caught a little green frog and put him in a bucket

The poor thing cooked in the sun.
So, my mom started dating this new guy. I never liked him. The worst part though is he had a kid too. The kid was a mess. Sloppy. Curly hair. Me and the kid were about the same age and we couldn’t stand each other. It was painful just being in the same room together.

Anyway, one day when I was home alone I placed my testicles on his drum set.
Someone contacted me and offered to pay for my nudes. I just sent him ones I've already posted online for free and got a few hundred bucks.
One time when I was 10 I saw a stack of Pokémon cards randomly in the towel aisle at target and they were all new it looked like. I saw them and just pocketed them not really thinking much about it. Then when I got home I realized someone probably opened it off the shelf and just threw away the wrapper. Then I thought oh s**t i stole from target I’m gonna go to jail so I immediately threw the cards away. Target never found out.
I stole two cloves of garlic from the grocery store.
Was let go from my first job for making my boss look bad for finishing daily tasks too quickly, and being open about the division not being efficient. He made an example of me so others would back off. So when the company asked me to come in for an exit interview, I told them I had nothing to say but to follow my boss outside at lunch to the parking lot if you fancy an interesting view.

He was arrested for possession and distribution of c*caine, got a year in jail and life pretty much ruined. I bumped into him about 3 months after he was released while walking around a mall, and he told me I ruined his life, which I then came back and said "you had me fired for trying to make the company better, cheers."

Felt bad he got the year in jail, and looked like hell, but....
My brother owed me $200 that i lent him when i was 16 years old. I busted my a*s helping a friend of my dad's lay tile for half my summer vacation.

As soon as i got paid, my brother hit me up for money.

Fast forward several months, still hadnt been paid back. I snagged $20 from his wallet to buy pizza for my friend and I.

Never saw that $200, never saw back most of the money i lent him, finally learned my lesson last year and went no contact, am 35 now.
As a teen. Catch lightning bug. Throw on ground. Smear it to see lightning glow. RIP lightning bug for a teenage curiosity.
Sent an unsolicited d**k pic once. Never did before in my life and haven't since. I was at a very low point and hate myself for doing it. I apologized profusely and got lucky she was cool about it, we're actually good friends now, but i still regret it.

Just don't do it guys.
I rush to storefront doors so i dont have to hold it open for anyone. It's not that I don't like to, it's just so awkward seeing people do a little mini sprint, and the timing is almost always off... Sigh.. then they might try talking to you and i just really wanna go in and out.
I installed Windows 11 on someone's computer.