“My Dog Lets Me Sleep In His Bed”: 79 People Debate If It’s Okay To Let Pets Sleep In Your Bed

by · Bored Panda


Snuggling up with your beloved floofs for a well-deserved nap on the couch is one of the coziest things you can ever do. The only thing that could make the experience better would be if it were gently raining outside the window. But do you extend the same cuddly courtesy to your cats and dogs when it’s actually time for bed?
The animal-loving members of the r/AskReddit community discussed whether they’re for or against letting their pets sleep in bed with them, and it’s an eye-opener. We’ve collected some of their most informative, witty, and wholesome responses to share with you. Scroll down to read all about people’s relationships with their pets.

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I have trouble falling asleep if my cat isn't in his usual spot on my legs. He considers this part of his job and stays there until he knows I'm asleep, then goes to his cat tree to keep watch. Sometimes if I wake up in the night he'll come back over and cuddle me back to sleep.Holdfastwolf , Laney20

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I remember a quote, " You have your job, your hobbies, your tv, phone, whatever... All they have is you." I'm already depriving them of 8 hours when I'm working, why would I deprive them of another 8 when I'm home.lvfunk , Yogendra Singh
My cats sleep wherever the hell they want. They spend more time on my bed than I do.Lonecoon , Diana

According to the AARP, sleeping with your pets can make you feel safer and more secure. Especially if you're anxious or worried about potential threats.

Interacting with pets also reduces stress and can be good for your mental health. This benefit extends to sleeping alongside your animals, too.

"Humans who suffer from depression or PTSD do very well mentally when sleeping with their pets. The pet provides comfort, safety and stability for a better night’s sleep," holistic veterinarian Ambika Vaid told the AARP.

"Some people are in a place in their life where they really don’t have anyone else; they’re either at the end of their life or have lost a companion. Animals can become that companion, and sleeping with them reduces the feeling of loneliness that plagues people struggling with grief," she explained.


I don’t let my pets sleep in bed with me.

But that’s only because I currently only have fish as pets, and for some reason I don’t think they’d have a good night outside of their tank.sunshine_is_hot , Emir Kaan Okutan
I’d let my dog borrow the car if he had a license.


I'd let my dog borrow the car even without a license.Embarrassed-Field236 , Nimhue
I don't let my dog sleep in my bed: my dog lets me sleep in his bed.


my dog has his own pillow.
like, no s**t. he gets upset if i don’t get it just right for him.Bizarre_Protuberance , Josh Sorenson


On the other hand, animals can sometimes bring dirt, germs, and even parasites into your bed. Meanwhile, if you suffer from asthma or allergies, you might not want to cuddle up with your beloved floofs in bed, even if you'd otherwise love to.

If your pet is an anxious sleeper, they might affect the quality of your rest, too. Furthermore, if you and your partner want some romantic time alone, it can be very awkward to do anything with your pets expecting to sleep in your bed.

Remember that no matter if you sleep with your pets or if they have their own beds elsewhere, you shouldn’t feel guilty or pressured either way. You don’t love your cats and dogs any less if you don’t welcome them into your bed. Enforcing some boundaries with your pets doesn’t mean that you don’t care for them.

With that being said, it’s also hard to argue against the absolute coziness of having your pet by your side as you enter dreamland. We all need contact to stay physically and mentally healthy, so it really does matter if you have someone next to you.

My cat has nothing against me sleeping in his bed.Octopussiesgarden , Tatiana Аzatskaya


I am against, my wife is for so we have pets in the bed. We have a large bed so it is fine and we wash the sheets every 3 days. Sexy time is weird because they get kicked off and then watch us like a live action National Geographic.agentaltf4 , Alexander Grey


Depends on the animal. My cat is welcome to sleep where he chooses but I wouldn’t share with a horse.sunbearimon , Brenda Timmermans

From our perspective, we know lots of people in both camps. Some can’t stand the thought of pushing their cattos or doggos out of bed. However, others feel that there’s a need to have some stricter rules at home. Both groups love their pets very much.

Proponents of stricter boundaries might argue that cats and dogs—even though they’re a respected part of the family—aren’t the same as human beings. And so, they might get their own separate sleeping corner and a food bowl instead of being welcomed in bed or right at the dinner table.


Of course, not everyone thinks this way. Others might say that it’s exactly because you view your pets as family members that you should treat them accordingly. If they want to snuggle up at night, you don’t push them away. If they want a place at the table, you let them sit on a chair next to you. Again, there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers here, only what feels natural at home, given your family dynamics.

I was against it until my childhood dog was nearing the end and all I wanted was for her to cuddle with me as much as possible but she wouldn’t stay on the bed. Now I just feel like we have so little time with them and I want them as close as possible, for as long as possible.boydbunny03 , Samson Katt

Well there's an animal in my bed as we speak, getting her black fur all over the place. She's a larger rabbit.

Im against anything sleeping in the same bed. I literally cannot fall asleep cause I move around way too much and would be hyper-aware of them the entire time and not be able to fully sleep. Plus with an animal, i'd be so afraid of accidentally hurting them as well. 100% ok with them being in the bed if I'm not trying to sleep though. Snuggles are the best.LucarnAnderson , Peng Louis

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the topic, dear Pandas! Do you let your pets sleep with you in bed or not? Why (not)? How does sleeping with all of your cats and dogs impact the quality of your sleep? Do you feel that you’re better or worse rested?

Share your opinions and experiences in the comments. Oh, and tell your pets we said ‘hi!’

My tiny cat? Sure.

My brother's 120 pound German Shepherd? No.

I love Copper, (the German Shepherd) but he is huge and produces a LOT of smelly dog oil that gets into anything he lays in too long. He has designated dog beds for that reason.

Cats are small, and don't have the same oily coat many dogs do.LighthouseonSaturn , Tieka Haynes


For because they are part of the family.Wyoming_Okie , Jakub Zerdzicki
There's nothing more special to me than when my cats choose to sleep in my bed with me, especially my orange boy who sleeps on top of my butt and doesn't move no matter how much I toss and turn.seekhelpffs , Felippe Lopes
For. My feet are never cold at night and I don't have to do the awful thing of wearing socks to bed. My pets are my foot warmers.llcucf80 , Lisa Fotios

Absolutely for it. It's the most love that I feel on the average day.

Generally, for.

But when you have a 90lb pit bull that gives you a Dutch oven with gas so noxious that she herself gags on and runs from the room, there are times that it's better if she stays on the couch.TheGreatTiger , Jennie Orh

I have 3 cats on my bed right now so I guess I'm definitely for.
For, but I’ll kick them out if they stinky.

Honestly, it depends where and how they fart and if you think the farts are stinky or endearing in a gross way.

Animals not sleeping in bed isn’t dependent upon a specific rule so much as it is based on an innate understanding of boundaries and who or who does not appreciate a heated sulfuric eggy stink at 1:33 AM 283/365 days of the year.

If you can laugh at all that, you are also For.

It depends on which one of my pets it is, one of my cats is an angel sent from above - she is so quiet and sleeps at my feet.. my other one likes to crawl up and meow loudly at any given moment in the night - he is so needy and proceeds to lay down as close to my face as he can and make biscuits with my skin.Breenana21 , Engin Akyurt

*Currently two cats grooming each other in the crook between my belly and thigh* I'd probably be cool with it.

I love having my animals share my bed. I worry cuz I'm a fairly wild sleeper, but they fight back. The amount of times I've woken up cold, dangling off my bed, and crunched up is quite high. I have a king sized bed.

But they make me feel secure, and its still bonding.
I was 100% aginst it. We always had Family dogs and the thought of them sleeping in my bad was repellent. Then as an adult I got my own dog and suddenly nothing regarding him is disgusting. He sleeps in his own bed, but in the morning he wakes me up and he sleeps in bed until we get up. I love it.
I want them in bed with me. Most of time they do but I still get offended on rare occasions they sleep elsewhere.

Against. I LOVE dogs but they are happy being dogs, getting dirty, rolling around, romping and playing, and then they’re happy on their bed on the floor. And, not on any furniture either.Mentalfloss1 , Iresha Ratnayake
“Glances down at the 60 pound husky whose spine is pressed against my legs while I scratch his ears”.

Against it? Nah. I have an extra blanket on the bed that gets washed more often, and he saint allowed in my sheets but, I legitimately get worried if my 6 year old dog isn’t in the bed part of the night with me. I need to feel his breathing and heartbeat so I know he’s ok. Also so if he has nightmares I can kiss him awake so he knows he’s safe.gingerlocks4polerope , Los Muertos Crew

Every night since he was a baby. He (pug) climbs under the blankets and curls up against me every night.

For. My cat always beats me upstairs and stands in the middle of the bed staring at the door waiting for me. When I lay down he spoons me and stays that way all night. I couldn't sleep without him.TRIGMILLION , Elena Golovchenko

I do say no, but

The dog tells me I am wrong

And dog gets in bed.
I’m for it, extra warmth and a furry cuddle buddy are worth it.

One time my dog rolled in human s**t.

That's a hard no for dogs in the bed for me.silysloth , Majkel Berger

I don't think you have a choice if you have cats.

I type in my bed with dogs at my side, yes. It helps them feel happy and loved let's me spend extra time with them on days I spend alot of time away from home.Vexonte , Nataliya Vaitkevich
We just upgraded from a queen to a king so we could all be comfy.

She's 35 lbs. But she can sprawl out to the size of a damn great Dane.

If she isn't touching some part of me or my husband she isn't sleeping. Usually it's 3-4 spins and a plop right behind the crook of my legs with her head on my ankle.CrazyMadHooker , Camille C

Both for and against. Cats will walk through their litter box after using it then climb directly on your pillow. Dogs shed and drool like there is no tomorrow. But goddamn it the cuddles are so good.
Strongly against it, my dogs laying beside me right now would agree also.
For. I can’t go to sleep unless at least one cat is next to me.

I'm for it; if anything I have trouble sleeping if I'm away from home or my dog's in boarding and I don't have her with me. She sleeps under the covers, too, which is nice in winter because she has short fur and gives off a lot of heat.

It's also a good way, when the dog is young, to know where your animal is and that they're not getting into something in the middle of the night.YawningDodo , Nataliya Vaitkevich
I wouldn't say I'm "against" it, but our cats have their own bedroom. We put them in there at night and close the door. They have beds, a tower, some toys, other nice places to lay, scratching posts, food, water, and a litter box in there. They're happy and safe until morning, and we get uninterrupted sleep. It works well for everybody.CassTeaElle , Eric Han

For… because my cat is over 20lbs and his meow is loud. It’s not worth the battle and he just gets cozy and sleeps. It’s a king bed.
My pets sleep with me if they want. We are bonded. I would die for them.

My previous cat Hiro, an obnoxious male siamese, slept on the back of my neck. When he passed I struggled to sleep for a long time. At one point I found a hot water bottle with a furry covering and that helped a bit.

Max, my current kitty, wasn't interested in sleeping in my bed for the longest time. She'd climb up into the closet and watch me sleep night after night.

Eventually she started sleeping on top of my headboard. When it's cold, she climbs down into bed with me but almost always likes to keep her distance, usually sleeping on a pillow beside me.

However, if I fall asleep on the couch I will wake up 100% of the time to Max going cuddle crazy, lying on my chest.
Cats: for, because there's no real way to prevent it. Dogs: against, because establishing boundaries is a huge part of dog training. I've found over the years that my dogs are better behaved in general if I maintain the separation between their sleeping spaces and mine.
I honestly get offended when my none of my pets want to sleep in bed with me or fall asleep elsewhere before I’m ready for bed.

Don't get me wrong I love my dog and I give him hugs and cuddles daily... But he doesn't bathe everyday, nor cleans his a*s unless I do it for him.

A dog is gonna dog, and everytime we walk him ( my family walks it 5 times a day) he goes for the muddiest patch it can find lol.

I may be more sensible, but how can you stand getting your bed dirty ASAP? Or the idea of my dog innocently brushing his a*****e against my pillow? (Where I rest my face for 8 hours a day).Skydge , Viktoria B.


I’ll start off by saying I’m against it. It is the exact equivalent as standing on your bed sheets with your shoes on that you just walked outside all day in.RambunctiousFungus , ALINA MATVEYCHEVA
Against because it's f*****g gross. I don't want to have to change my sheets every single day and I'm not rolling around in animal hair/dander/slobber/various cooties for seven hours. Hard pass.smurtzenheimer , Polina Kovaleva

Against. I already have to tolerate my husband in the bed and he stains the sheets and pillow cases AND mattress protector yellow with his greasy husband grease.

So I'm generally anti, because they do not respect personal space they they're heavy. The bed is GIANT. Why do you need to sleep on my actual rib cage??donac , Pixabay


Nope. My bed is my clean safe haven. Neither me nor my husband get in at night without first taking a shower. No way I’d let our doggie sleep with us-he has his own comfy bed and we’re all happy.ForTheLove-of-Bovie , Andrew Neel

I’m all for it. My 55lb dog and I share a bed and I love all of the snuggles. We have a king size bed and fit into the foot print of a twin bed.
For. I want cuddles.

Unfortunately my dog is against.

Fortunately my new kitten is for.
Ostensibly I'm for it, but at the present it's rarely allowed. The little buggers know how to open our sliding closet door and I've already had a shoe box get chewed up. Since there's not enough shelf space to move everything off the floor of the closet, the kitties must be banned. Maybe someday we'll get around to building some shelving in the basement that we can transfer that stuff onto.

Because honestly, the few times we left the door open for them to come in at night before the shoe box incident, I kind of loved falling asleep with a purring ball of fur pressed against my head.
My house is as much theirs as it is mine. They can lay and sleep wherever.

I have three big dogs (50-60lbs each). They are allowed on furniture and in the bed. However, I do cover the couch and bed and have special waterproof fabrics that I keep on. I clean them regularly. And I remove them when other people are over so they sit on the clean and untarnished furniture and my dogs aren't allowed on the furniture when other people are over because it would be rude and uncomfortable to let them in everyone's faces....
I’m against it but we upgraded to a king size bed because our 20 lb dog will only sleep on the people bed and sprawls out. He has 3 dog beds around the house that he will nap in during the day, but only the people bed during the night.
For cat, against dog. I have a chill as f**k cat that sleeps well by me. My dogs on the other hand are both 60lbs+ and would take up far too much space. Not to mention my bigger dog of the 2 sheds more than any other dog I've ever met(Yes this includes yours comment readers. Hes half GSD and half Chow. I've had more than one groomer tell me they've never seen so much loose fur come off a dog for so long) and therefore I want my bedroom, and bed to have as little fur as possible in it.
The second time you roll over into cat vomit on your pillow, you'll be firmly in the "against" column. Ask me how I know.
For.I have always let my cats sleep on and in bed with me. I sleep much better with them.
AGAINST. I just find it terribly disgusting to wake up w/dog hair in my mouth from our Jack Russell. We love her very much, but after trying to put up w/her in the bed for roughly 6 months, I just had to finally put a stop to it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I even felt kind of guilty, cuz she's incredibly needy at times, but 🤢 it just grosses me out too much.

The compromise was buying her a little miniature loveseat! It's adorable, came w/throw pillows, has easily washable covers & it's right at the end of our bed, so she can still be close to us. My bf would 💯 still allow her in the bed, but neither of us are interested in having to change our sheets every single day anymore, so he agrees that this is the sane option! LoL.
I love my cat but I don’t let her sleep on the bed with me or anywhere in the bedroom. She’s shut out at night because otherwise she’ll wake me up by stomping on my head at 5am. Also, I just get grossed out when I see little bits of cat litter all over the pillow where it’s come off her feet. I don’t really want where cat litter where my head goes.
I knew when I signed up for pets I was going to have fur as a result so for.

My pets didn’t pick me as their person I scooped them up. They had no choice in their world and can’t go anywhere else so I always strive to make sure they have what they love so long as it isn’t a risk to their health or mine. So no countertops but enjoy that bed.
Bed, no. Furniture, yes. That’s how I was raised.
I lost the battle early on with my animals. I always wash my sheets once a week so it's not so bad.

I always feel smooshed and over heated. My old sweet dog slept between my knees and it was initially uncomfortable. When she died, I couldn't sleep properly because I missed her so badly and I was used to having her take up all my space in bed. My dog now has to be nudged up right against my hip and he's like a fricken oven. He's a leaner , so I also feel like he's shoving me over and half his body lays on mine. It gets awfully uncomfortable in the summer when it's too hot but I've learned that I will someday wish he was there to get on my nerves when I'm trying to sleep so I haven't made the attempt to change it.

All that to say I'm technically FOR it, but I started out a naysayer and lost.
It’s a once in a while thing. They can sometimes lay at the foot of the bed on their own blanket. But they do NOT sleep with us. We used to let them and our room would always smell bad. 🤮 so glad we stopped.
Unless you bathe your dog everyday, it's very unhygienic and not good for your sleep (depending on the dog). Also can lead to behavior issues. I used to allow my dogs to but as I have gotten older I have changed my mind.
If your doggo has an itchy b hole, they may have intestinal worms/tapeworms/pinworms. In that case, if they sleep in your bed & some of
them creep out it can infest you too. (Be careful if YOUR hole itches, you may need to go to the Dr).
Against. They have their beds, and my room is strictly off limits for all cats and dogs. I have white sheets and comforters and they are staying that way.
Against. I can not hurt them, and they can not hurt me while sleeping. They are crate trained, and in an emergency, I know exactly where they are and would not need to search for them. Better sleep for them and me.
Against. I like cats and certain dogs but I find it to be disgusting that people let them sleep on the bed or be on furniture. Especially the people who let their cats be walking around the kitchen countertops and table. It’s gross. The people who treat them like children and say “it’s their house you’re a guest” are the ones I stay away from.
If the animal doesn't have a noticable odor, I'm fine with it. People who sleep with dogs stink. Minus maybe a chihuahua. They smell like little Fritos. 😂 Everyone who sleeps with a dog says they're clean and don't smell, but you can smell it. Same way smokers say their clothes don't smell like cigarettes. Yes, they do.
I can't sleep with any pets in my room, let alone in my bed. For other people, I don't really care what they do, but it doesn't work for me.
I'm against pets inside the house in general. Nothing against people who like it but it's just something I can't personslly deal with.
Against. I don’t want to hear my dog licking her butt in my face at 3am. I don’t want to fight my dog for the blankets. Sleep is more important than a dog on the bed. So No pets on the bed.
I moved to a large city from a farm and apparently people here have no concept of an “outside dog” so I’ve been finding out this week that apparently most people let their dogs inside, which to be fair in a city makes sense and I don’t think you should have an outside dog in a city. So not on the bed because he’s outside, watching the chickens.
Against. They wake you up by running all over the bed or licking their parts, and they take all the room. They are allowed on the bed for the evening cuddles, but they know that once we turn the light off they have to get off.
Against, they are not sanitary. This is where you sleep and place your head. Your face. Dogs lick their a*s and soil your bed. Cats s**t in a box then track all over your house.

Cats don't belong inside, and dogs belong on the ground.

People will down vote until their pet is the reason they have parasites. You'll love that tape worm in your body.
I used to sleep with my dog and then dogs. Then I kicked them out when my daughter was born and didn’t want them waking her up when she was in our room. Can’t go back. They have their own bed now in a separate room. Sleep is too important.
100% opposed. We have a dog and she's allowed on the floor and her bed. Despite what people seem to think, dogs are not clean animals. It blows my mind that people allow dogs on the same fabric or linen they sleep or sit on. Disgusting.
Against. No matter what. An animal is an animal. Can't risk it.
Neither. Good habits are learned. If you want your pet to be able to sleep in the bed, then do not tolerate poor behaviour. A few years ago, we had two cats. My wife favoured one and I favoured the other. Whenever my cat did something disruptive, I kicked her out. My wife's cat fought her feet at night and was allowed to stay. I slept and she didn't. Teach your pets, and barring any allergies, you'll be fine. Don't teach your pets, and you'll be left with chaos.