Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) chief executive Mike Crabtree holding a block of developed rare earth minerals with Muhammad I, vice-president of SRC's rare earth element division, in Saskatoon on Sept. 17.Photo by Michael Joel-Hansen/Saskatoon St/sas

Saskatoon set to take on China in production of critical minerals

City will soon be home to a first-of-its-kind rare earth minerals processing facility in North America

by · Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Saskatoon will soon be home to a first-of-its-kind rare earth minerals processing facility in North America, one that can take on China’s dominance in a key part of the energy transition.

The Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) is constructing the plant, set to be fully operational in 2025, which will become the only one in North America able to process critical minerals into materials that can be used to create a range of products, including batteries for electric vehicles (EVs).