A hay bale sits on a piece of land after harvest south of Saskatoon. Photo taken in Saskatoon, Sask. on Thursday, August 12, 2024.Photo by Michelle Berg/Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Downpours throughout Saskatchewan slow 2024 harvest

The rain did keep some farmers out of their fields, but it also helped pasture and topsoil moisture conditions.

by · Saskatoon StarPhoenix

After a dry summer that left many farmers throughout Saskatchewan wishing for clouds overhead, the skies opened up in dramatic fashion last week.

With “notable rainfall” like 49 mm of rain in Indian Head, 48 mm in the Marsden area and 42 mm in the Milden area, many farmers had to briefly pause their harvest and wait for the wind to die down and the weather to clear, according to the province’s weekly crop report.