Motorists in Manchester are being warned about new artificial intelligence cameras being trialled to catch those not wearing seatbelts.

New AI traffic cameras mean drivers face £95 'awareness course'

Motorists in Manchester are being warned about new artificial intelligence cameras being trialled to catch those not wearing seatbelts.

by · Birmingham Live

Drivers are set to pay for £95 awareness course fees amid revolutionary cameras catching out Highway Code breakers. Motorists in Manchester are being warned about new artificial intelligence cameras being trialled to catch those not wearing seatbelts.

New Acusensus enforcement cameras use AI technology to detect rule breakers. Motorists caught without a seatbelt could face fines of up to £500 if their case goes to court and offenders may be required to complete a mandatory online education course, costing between £54 and £95.

Your Belt Your Life is an online course and is offered as an alternative to paying a fine for the offence of not wearing a seat belt or not using an appropriate child car seat. The course takes about 30 minutes to complete, which can be done all at once or a bit at a time.

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There is a test which must be completed and passed at the end of the course. If you don’t achieve the required pass mark on your first attempt, you can take the test again. Designers have said: "All you need is a laptop, tablet or smartphone and non-distracting area from which to take part.

"Start the course on a day and time that suits you. Easy to book online. With an educational course you are less likely to commit another offence. By taking this course, you do not need to pay the fine." The course is interactive and there is a quiz to check that you have understood the main points.

It is trying to reinforce the importance of wearing a seat belt and using an appropriate child car seat as well as remind drivers over the consequences of mis-use. At the end of the course, you are given a personalised plan to help you get into the habit of always wearing a seat belt.