Ubisoft 'Fully Mobilised' After Soft Star Wars Outlaws PS5 Sales

Wants to position the release as a strong long-term performer

by · Push Square

Ubisoft has said it’s “fully mobilised to swiftly implement a series of updates to polish and improve” Star Wars Outlaws after it admitted the game had a “softer than expected launch”. While it pointed out that the release had received “solid ratings”, it said that it wants to position the release as a “strong long-term performer”, which will require a series of critical improvements and updates.

In fact, the title’s launch appears to have spooked the French publisher, prompting it to delay Assassin’s Creed Shadows until 14th February. “While the game is feature complete,” it said of its upcoming Japanese open world outing, “the learnings from the Star Wars Outlaws release led us to provide additional time to further polish the title.”

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Among Star Wars Outlaws’ many launch issues, PS5 players who’d paid extra for Early Access were forced to start the campaign over, after a critical progression breaking bug had to be fixed by the publisher. This rendered the Early Access period pointless – and has resulted in the French publisher nixing the entire idea with Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

[source staticctf.ubisoft.com]

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About Sammy Barker

As the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.

Comments 27

It seems the old “churn out jank and fix it in post” strategy has finally caught up to them.

Ubisoft is one more piece of bad PR away from getting bought by Microsoft

This game is still in my cart on PSN. Hoping it goes on sale soon so I can add it to my backlog. I'm currently like 3 years behind the release schedules. I really hate being a responsible adult sometimes haha

Ubisof...who is surprised.Not buying their game.

@Enuo unlikely to happen. Aa Microsoft already own over 30 franchises , more likely swallowed by EA

Devs are starting to learn that in todays market if you don’t release an acceptable polished product gamers will reject it.

Ubisoft titles are discounted faster and heavier than any other publisher. I fully expect to be able to pick it up on black Friday for less than £30.

I enjoyed the game on my ps5, I know it's not perfect at all. But..when it comes to AC shadows I think I'll wait even longer for that one before I pay up for anything like 😅

I stopped my playthrough to wait for the Pro but I thought it was a really good game 🤷.

This and Avatar were both fantastic uses of the franchises. I'd honestly be happy if Ubisoft swapped to primarily adapt others' IPs rather than more of their own. They do a much better job of it (I will say I adored the FPS gameplay in Far Cry 6 though!).

It is such an awful thought that every disc copy of Star Wars Outlaws has a version on it that cannot be finished.

It is an utterly pointless disc to own if long term ownership and preservation is your goal.

This industry desperately needs regulating, it has turned proper wild west.

The title finally coming back to Steam as well. They should follow suit with EA and remove their stupid launcher requirements. Nobody likes your UPlay, Ubisoft!

@QiaraIris Yup. There's been a few Ubisoft games I almost jumped at until I remembered Ubisoft Connect is a thing. I can wait and play the tens of thousands of other games that don't hassle me with such nonsense in the meantime.

I remember the media was saying Outlaws sales were through the roof.

Also, outside quality, gamers are trained more than ever to not buy day 1 as they are always discounted extremely quickly.

Hahahaha…. What a bunch of clowns

Black friday - 40 bucks.

They should have tried designing a better game.

I enjoyed the hell out of Outlaws but it definitely could have used a delay to polish up like Shadows is getting. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a positive change.

Investors sat them down and gave the the hell's kitchen Ramsay experience that's what happened, pre launch ego has gone now replaced by fear and they should be scared because the response to this game and shadows has been rancid, investors are taking their ball and running away.

I really don't understand what they can do to shadows in a few months it's still gonna have trash valhalla combat, just gonna be a poor man's tsushima.

Meh, I'm passing until a year later at the least. Fix it and I MIGHT add it to my backlog.

Nice, ill grab it @ 30 quid b4 xmas.

I had a few issues at the start but in the end I really enjoyed it. Probably the best game I’ve played this year.

Are they becoming the next SE? Where everything doesn’t meet expectations?

But to drop it in Feb alongside MHwilds, Avowed, even civ7. - obviously different audiences but they are long awaited games for many.

Once I read they fix the performance mode to actually hit 60fps, I'll pick it up.

Probably my most enjoyed game this year alongside Dragon's Dogma 2.

They talk candid about it and change stuff. Both are good things.

A lot of people aren't buying it because of the Disney-picked protagonist.

Tried Star Wars Outlaw, for about 5 hours, until I got bored. Because hidden behind the IP, it's still the same Ubi crap.

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