Japan gov't mulls disclosing malicious AI developers' names to public

· Japan Today

TOKYO — The Japanese government is considering disclosing the names of developers of malicious artificial intelligence systems to the public, as it aims to set up legally binding regulations to address disinformation, cyberattacks and other risks, sources familiar with the matter said Friday.

But any punitive measure will not be included in a bill that the government plans to submit to the ordinary parliamentary session, as such a move could discourage new AI development, the sources said.

A government panel proposed in December that legal frameworks are necessary for the government to conduct investigations into AI developers and to provide administrative guidance in a bid to prevent AI misuse.

The panel said the government should share information it gains from its investigations with the public if misinformation harms people's rights such as preventing them from receiving administrative services.

The government is considering including provisions in the bill requiring AI developers to cooperate in information-gathering efforts.