Melissa Bartlett

Dasher Diary: Settle Down Amarillo With Your Customer Instructions

· NewsTalk 1290

When getting food delivered here in Amarillo it is great to have instructions from the customer. This is not the place to put information like, pick up silverware, or the need for extra sauces. The delivery instructions are just for that instruction we need to make the delivery go faster.

We usually see the delivery instructions after we pick up your food. So asking for extra ketchup is not going to happen. It's just too late. We have usually left the store already.

What Should You Put in the Delivery Instructions?

The important stuff like maybe putting the name of the business where you want the food delivered to you. That would be helpful if there were a parking lot full of businesses. It does speed things up instead of relying on us to look for the suite number. The business name is great.

That also holds true if we are delivering to a hotel or apartment complex. Especially when there are so many in the same area. Trust me, instructions like that are very helpful. Maybe if you live in an apartment you include what floor you live on. That will also speed up the process.

The ones that make me laugh are the ones that really want to get the point across that they don't want you to ring their doorbell. Just for the record, most dashers do not ring the doorbell unless you tell them to. We don't want to ring that bell anymore than you want us to. I promise.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

The number of people who warn us that they have a baby and they are napping. I get it babies nap a lot. I don't think they change the message whether they have a sleeping baby or not. Just telling me to not ring the bell is enough. I promise I don't need a reason.

Then there are those that warn us not to ring the bell because their dogs will go crazy. I am sorry but I have not been stealthlike enough to keep any of those dogs barking anyway. They just bark when we are tip-toeing up to your front door to drop off your food. I promise.

Then there is this one. I am not sure what happened in the past. Do they just have random people walking by trying to collect their orders? I am not sure. I did put it right in front of their door. I didn't see anyone lurking around trying to get the food. So I was happy about that.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

If you do ask us to ring your doorbell please make sure your doorbell works. The number of times I have rang and rang and rang just to never hear it on your Ring Doorbell. I hope it is somehow alerting you on your phone. The last thing I want is a complaint because I didn't ring the bell when it just wasn't working.

Enough of all of that. Please just use the delivery instructions to make it easier for us to get your food to you faster. That is all that we want to do. We want to move on to the next order and next tip as fast as we can too.

Oh The Ways Amarillo Has Changed Part One

A Trip Down Amarillo's Memory Lane

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett

Oh The Ways Amarillo Has Changed Part Two

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett