Melissa Bartlett

Take a Trip to Amarillo’s Maxwell’s Pumpkin Farm Soon

· NewsTalk 1290

Amarillo is very fortunate to have so much fun for the family to do. We can head to one of the many parks in our city. We can take them to jump at one of our jump parks. We can head to nearby Palo Duro Canyon. That is just a few things that first came to my mind. Oh, but that is not all.

We have the seasonal fun in our city too. The trips we take to Wonderland Park. The chances to take our kids ice skating. Oh, the fun we have had at the city pools and the numerous splash pads.

There is the Amarillo Zoo, the Discovery Center, and the Wildcat Bluff Nature Center where you can spend hours just discovering new things. For all the people who like to complain that there is nothing to do in Amarillo, you are just not trying. I promise there is plenty to do. You just have to make the choice to look for something and then leave your house.

One of the things I was looking forward to doing was taking my family to Maxwell's Pumpkin Farm. My daughter was about 12 years old when they first opened. Yes, we went back then and she loved it. Now she has a daughter of her own. So we had to take her out to check it out.

We went a couple of times to the Magical Christmas portion in December. They just happened to be here over Christmas. The first year was when the weather hit bad on the last night and they turned it into a drive-thru experience. Last year, my granddaughter spent a week with me and we went back out over her Christmas break.

So, she had a hard time understanding why Rudolph was not going to be there on this trip. We explained he was at the North Pole helping Santa get ready for the upcoming season. She still talked about Rudolph when we entered the gate.

She did soon forget about all of that when she started having fun with all of the activities. She, of course, loved feeding the animals. She loved jumping and burying herself in corn. Of course, she loved the big slide and the inflatable corn maze.

There is just so much to enjoy out at Maxwell's Pumpkin Farm. Make your plans to go out and enjoy with your family. For dates, times and ticket information check it out HERE.

A Magical Trip to Amarillo's Maxwell's Pumpkin Farm

All of the great things you will see as you plan a trip to Maxwell's Pumpkin Farm.

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM