Where to find a Rime Beetle in Monster Hunter Wilds

· PC Gamer

Finding where to catch a Rime Beetle in Monster Hunter Wilds is the second step in Samin's questline to capture endemic life. Unwilling to be outshone by his colleague Dareel, this researcher once again guilt trips you into helping him find some stranger variant of the Forbidden Lands' endemic life.

This time it's a snowy beetle from the Iceshard Cliffs region and this is actually very easy to find, especially when you compare it to the final task that Samin gives you—look forward to that. Still, if you can't quite figure out where this tricksy beetle is, I'll walk you through how to find it below.

Monster Hunter Wilds Rime Beetle location

There are lots of Rime Beetles in the snowy areas of the Iceshard Cliffs (Image credit: Capcom)

You can find a Rime Beetle in area 2 of the Iceshard Cliffs and they even have an icon you can see on the map—a little blue beetle rolling a ball. You'll also find the odd one in area 11 and area 13 on the middle level, as well as area 7 and area 8 on the upper level. Essentially, wherever there's lots of snow. Since area 2 is on the bottom level, you'll want to head down, and then look for beetles rolling balls of snow around.

They can be quite hard to spot since they're generally submerged in the snow, but you can follow their tracks to find one. They also have an icon for the Hook Slinger, but this is important—don't use the Hook Slinger to grab them. After so many hours spent snatching everything in sight with the Hook Slinger it'll be tempting to press that B input, but it'll only give you the ammo type they provide and won't count towards quest progress.

(Image credit: Capcom)

Instead, as with previous specimens, hold the left bumper on controller and select the capture net from the essential items hotwheel using the right stick. These guys don't seem to run away, either, so simply aim with LT, wait for the box to turn orange, and then fire with RT to capture this endemic life. Head back to Samin with the specimen to complete the quest.

You'll get 10 mandragora, five honey, and 100 Guild Points for your trouble.